《 Bound by Souls 》

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✧ Reviewer :: CoolWhenUrBatman✧ Reviewee :: Elixyra ✧ Book :: Bound By Souls

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✧ Reviewer :: CoolWhenUrBatman
✧ Reviewee :: Elixyra
✧ Book :: Bound By Souls


Basics :: 14 | 20

⚘ Cover :: 02 | 05

◍ Not very attractive, if I was looking for a book this wouldn't get my attention. If you want typography I suggest a bigger text and then the circle as one of your Os. If you're unable to, you can always order from a graphic shop.

⚘ Synopsis :: 04 | 05

◍ It's a good synopsis, but extend it. I'm not saying it's not compelling because it is —especially to fantasy readers— but it's not compelling enough. Adding one or two paragraphs to it detailing the world their in and a general basis of the book should help.

⚘ Title :: 04 | 05

◍ Accurate and nice.

⚘ Execution :: 04 | 05

◍ I think you have a great idea and done a amazing job at it but it's the first look that's failing. I think fixing the points above can be a big help.

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