《 Oval's What if Return to Gravity Falls 》

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✧ Reviewer :: BTS7ARMY8FOREVER✧ Reviewee :: 0valeyes✧ Book :: Oval's What if Return to Gravity Falls

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✧ Reviewer :: BTS7ARMY8FOREVER
✧ Reviewee :: 0valeyes
✧ Book :: Oval's What if Return to Gravity Falls


Basics :: 6.5 | 20

⚘ Cover :: 02 | 05

◍ I didn't get how the cover matched the story but the reason, that it's based on a series I don't know about so I've no idea. Also, the spiral binds are visible so crop them and the font used isn't very great and it won't attract any readers.

⚘ Synopsis :: 1.5 | 05

◍ The blurb could be made more interesting. It won't attract many readers. Add a scene, with a cliffhanger or something that'd make them wanna read it. The blurb is very short, also add in a few dialogues.

⚘ Title :: 2.5 | 05

◍ Again, I really didn't get the title or how it matched the story. Maybe it is because you mentioned that it's based on some kids' series that used to air once, which I haven't watched, so I don't have any idea. Also, the story that was written didn't match much. Adding to this, you don't have to mention 'Oval's' in the title, you can do that on the cover, but do not name your book like that.

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