Chapter 34

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THE glass of the interrogation room window is thick, thicker than any I had seen in a while. Bulletproof. I keep my face blank but content, a skill I improved over the last months. I show no reaction as nodes are pressed to my skin and wires attached to my fingers. The machine hums quietly on the table beside me. The thin padding of the chair beneath me does nothing to hide the metal seat beneath it. Dull pain begins to form under the bite of the too-tight handcuffs that hold me to the chair. Unnerve them with your contentedness in dangerous situations and they will answer to you, my daughter. The soldiers in the room eye me warily. The door to the room is opened with a quiet hiss, letting a young-looking Captain into the cell. When he turns to face me, memories from the year before crash upon me. He's the Captain I danced with last year. I set a lazy look on my face, placing it over contentedness.

"Captain Abraxos Hearst, or did they promote you after my arrest?"

"It is still Captain, miss."

I adjust my position, putting as much swagger as I can into it, "One would think after one year and a night of dancing at Rosas de Sangre I'd get a little bit of endearment; or have you grown excessively cold, Braxos?"

"Criminals do not deserve endearment."

"Of course they do, especially as we are such good friends."

"I am not your friend."

"Well, that's a lie as much as every one I've ever heard."

He turns away from me quietly conversing with the man running the machine. Abraxos nods once before turning back to me, his face hard and cold.

"State your name for the record."


"Full name."

"Fine, fine, but you're ruining all my fun. My name is Alewyn Castyan."


"I thought you'd remember... a lady never tells her age."

He grabs a fistful of my unbound hair, yanking my head backward, "You will answer my damn questions."

"You've broken so soon? I thought we'd get at least halfway through this interrogation before you snapped."

"You forget I am under order to use any means necessary to get information from you."

"Oh but I think my eyes would look so pretty in a sea of blue. But alas, threats of violence have no effect on me, I got into knife fights with soldiers at thirteen." I smile prettily at his scowling face. "You seem to have forgotten I like games, the even trade, and the fine point of negotiation."

"You have no power here."

"Perhaps." Satisfaction fills my bones, "Next question?"

"Who is your family?"

"The Pierce's."

"I think they would be quite disappointed in you."

"The dead can't be disappointed, Braxos."

His eyes turn almost sad, quickly disappearing behind the mask of a fight. "Why were you in the Military Hanger?"

"Can a young lady of the noblest blood not look and see what the country has to offer her? The guards let me in."

"The guards were unconscious, and two of the three hangers were blown up. You were found carrying bombs."

"Bombs? I don't carry bombs."

"She's lying."

Once again his eyes turn dark, something like a flame burning behind them. His hands grip the edges of the armrests, his eyes level with my own. He talks slowly as if he is trying to make a point, "Why were you carrying bombs?"

Something like a laugh frees itself from my lips, "Oh I thought you knew."

"Ms. Castyan, I hope you realize that this interrogation could be the one thing to save you from death row."

"That's cute. But, I was on death row as an infant."

"Your actions tonight, of successfully bombing two hangers and attempting to bomb the other have branded you as a terrorist."

"Must you use that word? I prefer radical or idealist."

"You have committed treason, you do not get to decide your branding."

"Pity, I quite like giving myself titles."

He closes his eyes for half a minute, taking calming breaths. "I wish to only ask this once, I'm sure that this interrogation has become unpleasant for both of us."

"Unpleasant, but I thought we were having such a good time?"

"Enough of this. Who are you working for and what do you want?"

"I'm unemployed and I want for nothing."

The machine beeps loudly, catching my lie. Abraxos turns away from me, ordering everyone out of the room. All protests are met with a steely glower. They file out of the interrogation room, watching him from behind the glass. The click of the door locking behind them echoes in my ears. Faster than I can brace myself, the back of his hand hits my face, snapping my head to the side. I slowly turn my head back to face him, my neck loudly popping. I taste blood. I smile, letting my red-stained teeth show. I feel a trickle of blood run down my face from the cheekbone. Braxos' voice turns softer, "Just answer the damn question, Alewyn."

"I work for no one but myself and I want vengeance. Happy?"

"Why do you want vengeance?"

My voice is quiet and as sharp as the edge of a blade, growing louder with my ire, "I still had something when we met a year ago; I am down to very few things that I truly care about besides my own person. Why? Because this goddamn country killed them all. An eye for an eye, a hanger for a life; and I am just getting started." he is silent, watching me carefully. I lean forwards in my chair, the armrests digging into my bones as the cuffs keep me contained. My fingers curl into fists. A maniacal grin lifting my lips. "So go ahead, call me a criminal, say I've committed treason; we are all going to die and I intend to deserve it."

"You're a traitor Alewyn Castyan, Anden will be branded as such as well. He may get a lighter sentence because he's of the 13 but you know just as well as I what happens to traitors to the thrones."

My grin turns lazy, posture fading back into the slouch of a queen. Laughter fills my voice, "Have you not been paying attention to the news, Braxos? My name is Alewyn Luisa Caspian, I am the daughter of High Lady Maria. I have every right to claim my crown... but I think I'd much rather see it burn."

He raps his knuckles against the door to the room, a pair of guards walk into the room and uncuff me from the chair, locking me into a waiting set of new cuffs. They escort me out of the room. We walk through whitewashed halls. I count each step and study each detail, memorizing all that I can. One of the men unlocks a door, blocking the keypad from my sight. They shove me inside the room, chuckling as they welcome me to my new home.

A/N: okay but i like really like this chapter too, so I'll give this like a second favorite chapter since I'm pretty sure I can't have 3 #1 favorite chapters in part 1.

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