Personnel 6:Eden De Los Santos (-Raven-)

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Name: Eden De Los Santos

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Though she doesn't always look like a nice person, most see her as a good one, with her warm brown skin and minimal clothes that draw little attention. She keeps her dark, curly hair loose, or tied back into a convenient ponytail when she's focused on work. Her smiles are not rare, but aren't too common, mostly because she seems constantly preoccupied with something to worry about. A slight furrow constantly creases her brow, colouring her features with a tinge of severity.

Personality: Eden's presence is calming at times and frustrating at others. In most settings, she relegates herself to the role of the mom friend, which makes her the subject of all the affection and irritation one might feel towards an actual mother. Eden is generally the warm type who notices the little gaps in the lives of those she cares about and tries to fill them with a hot meal or endless fussing. She has patience that rivals the saints' and an unshakeable tolerance for childish dumbassery. Yet, this makes her overbearing at times, and her decisive, pragmatic nature can frustrate those she cares for.

History: Eden was raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where she grew up with a veteran turned podcast host for a father, a professor for a mother and a porcupine with a sugar high for a younger sister. When ovarian cancer widowed her father and took his North Star, his ability to process this in a healthy manner left the chat completely, pushing Eden into the role of her sister's surrogate mother. Eden met her best friend of twelve years, Dominic, in middle school, and the two were inseparable until college drop kicked them to different ends of the States—him to Arizona State University, and her to Smith College on a full scholarship.

Activity: They say girls will do crazy things for a high GPA. That includes dragging your best friend into a middle-of-nowhere Arizonan ghost town to help with research for your senior thesis. With her grad school boyfriend saving up to come visit over winter, she thought she'd bug Dominic instead. The two have been investigating the effects of military presence in a small town such as Idle, and the mines have been a good place to start.

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