Together At Last

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A/N: This will be the last chapter of this story. I hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading.

I changed how I was holding him so I was holding him by the tail. This way he couldn't scratch me as badly. I turned around and held him up so everyone could see. I checked, he was missing a toe. "It's Peter. I saw he was outside the room on the map, he's missing a toe as well."

"Oh my God," Padfoot said. "Let me see him." He said but already had him in his hand.

"It's him." He said. "We need to go to Dumbledore."

"Yeah." Uncle Prongs said.

We started heading towards Dumbledore's office, all of us but Harry and Moony were in animagus form. What I didn't expect was that it was already sunrise out. Moony had Peter and was having an easy time holding him in his large hand. We got there and surprisingly Dumbledore was awake. When we got there Harry knocked and the door opened within a couple seconds. It was McGonagall.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"We have Peter." Moony said.

"Are you serious?" She asked. Moony nodded and she moved so we could come inside. One we were in there and safe from eyes who shouldn't know, we were all back in human form.

"Are you sure it's him?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, it was on the map, and he's missing a toe, the same one Peter cut off." I said, having been the only one to see him on the map. Dumbledore muttered a spell that paralized Peter for a couple minutes, Moony sat him down, and Dumbledore muttered another spell and where the rat was, now sat a paralized Peter. Dumbledore unparalyzed him and he sat there, whimpering and crying like a baby.

"Pease, please, spare me. Spare me." He sobbed.

"Why?" I asked, a bit sourly

"Please, Sirius, what would you have done? You would have done the same thing." He continued sobbing.

"I WOULD HAVE DIED! I would have died rather than away my best friend and kid." Padfoot said.

"Please, don't kill me-e-e-e." He continued to sob.

"You are not going to die." Dumbledore said.

"R-r-really?" He asked.

"No, I will call the Minister, and he will deal with this however he sees fit." Dumbledore. "Minerva, if you could please get two Verentiserum's from Severus?"

"Of course." She said and walked out.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"What's done is done. You can't change it." Uncle Prongs said.

"I must go get ahold of the Minister, excuse me." Dumbledore said.

"Y/n, please, you loved me, I was your friend, I was all of your friends." He said.

"You were our friend. You almost got everyone I loved killed. Have fun in Azkaban." I said. McGonagall got back and the only noise was the sounds of Peter's pathetic sobs.

"Minister, thank you for coming." Dumbledore said. "I have had our potions master make us Veritaserum for this case." He continued until he was in the room with us.

"Sirius Black." He muttered and pulled his wand out and pointed it on Padfoot. I stepped in front of him.

"I would appreciate it if you would please point your wand away from my father." I demanded. He, for some reason, looked frightened and put it away. I moved to stand next to Harry.

"Minerva." Dumbledore said. She handed the potion to Fudge and he sniffed it.

"True Veritaserum." He said.

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