The Wolf's out of the bag

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 Finally we were done with the train ride and the sorting ceremony. Finally he got to the speech, "And now help me welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Remus Lupin!"

When he said this I almost went crazy. The hall erupted with cheers from my fellow students. I started smiling and clapping like I hadn't seen him in years. He always helps me when I transform, since he has more experience. I have a few small scars on my face and arms, scratching and biting myself, trying to resist turning, but the one I HAVE to keep hidden, the one on my chest. A lightning bolt, just like Harry.


Once the feast was almost to an end I saw that Moony was trying to mind link with me. I answered.



HEY! How come you didn't tell me?

I wanted to surprise you, surprise.

I laughed a little out loud on accident

This is amazing

I'm glad. Could you possibly hang back with Hermione Granger after the feast. The Headmaster wants to see you.

I've been here five minutes. I haven't even had time to plan pranks with Fred and George and Lee. I haven't even seen them yet.

Okay. I know you spent half the summer planning pranks, so don't even try, and it's not about pranks, it's about our furry little secret.

With this my head shot up to look at my father.

If it's about that then why does Hermione need to be there?

It's just something the Headmaster wanted to try. Just hang back with Hermione. It'll be ok. It's also about everything with the marauders, you and Harry.

Alright, I'll hang back


With that he ended the mind link. Hermione snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Y/n, are you ok? Your face went from excited to worried to relaxed."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

After the feast was over we started to head out of the great hall. I grabbed Hermione's arm and told Harry and Ron to go ahead and that I dropped my book and couldn't find it. They shrugged and kept walking. Hermione looked confused but stayed behind. When all the students were out she turned to look at me. "Why'd you keep me back?"

To which I replied "I don't know. We're about to find out though."

After a couple minutes the only people in the Great Hall were Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Moony, Hermione and I.

Moony walked over to me and picked me up into a hug. I hugged him like I hadn't seen him in forever.

When we pulled apart I saw Hermione staring at me like I have three heads. "I'll explain later."

"Ms. Black, Ms. Granger, Professors, come with me please." we heard Professor Dumbledore say gently. We followed him into his office. I had been here once before when he told me the secrets of the Whomping Willow. Although Moony, Uncle Prongs and Dad had told me about them when I was younger. When we got in he gestured for me and Hermione to sit down. Once everyone was in there Professor Dumbledore spoke "Ms.Black, I have recently made a discovery that when you transform it helps to have animagi there alongside you. Remus I assume this is why your husband, James and Peter became animagi?"

"Yes," said Moony shorty.

"Perfect. You may come out now guys." Said Dumbledore softly. Suddenly I saw a black dog, a stag and a butterfly come out from a corner in the room. I started to tear up. Then, where the dog, stag and butterfly sat, now stood Padfoot, my Uncle Prongs and my mother. Padfoot ran up and engulfed me into a huge hug. I hugged him back and started to cry. "Oh Padlet I missed you."

"I missed you to Pads." I said, happier than I had been in years. Then I heard my Uncle speak up.
"Come on Sirius, stop hogging my niece," and then Dad let go and Uncle Prongs picked me up. "Ugh, you've gotten so BIG." he then let go and held me at arms length. "You look just like Sirius, but you have your mothers eyes." he said and I let out a little laugh.

"You know, I'm pretty sure Harry is sick of hearing he looks like you but has Mom's eyes."

"Really?" mom asked, I could tell, delighted to hear any news about her son. I was told, for some reason, it was dangerous for Mom and Uncle Prongs to know anything about Harry.

Then all of a sudden I was in my mothers arms again. We were both crying out of pure happiness. I saw Moony and Dad hug and kiss each other. When they weren't James and Remus hugged. Mom finally pulled away and looked at me. "Oh Y/n, you've grown up so much."

I could only manage a choked chuckle. "Everyone should be in their dorms, I recommend you five go to the Room of Requirements. I dare say you will want some privacy." I heard Dumbledore say. "Also Professor McGonaglle has taken Ms. Granger into the hall to explain everything."

"Thank you Headmaster." Moony said, then we started to walk out of the office. When we got down the stairs I was greeted with Hermione flinging her arms around my neck with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Y/n. I'm so sorry."

"Hermione, I'm fine, that was years ago."

"Is that why you have nightmares, being attacked?"

"Yeah, that's why I could never talk about them."

"Well, if I know one thing, the pranks in this school are about to get a lot worse with you two back. I have a feeling Ms.Black here will be getting some ideas from the originals. And with Fred and Gorge, Filch will have gone mad by the end of the year." Professor McGonaglle said, but I could tell she was happy to see everyone.

"Padlet, we better get going before Prongs bursts from wanting to hear about you and Harry." I heard Padfoot saying behind me.

"Yeah. I'll see you later Hermione. I'll answer any questions you have then." and with that we left for the Room of Requirements. 

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