Catching Up

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When we got there we were greeted by a comfy couch, snacks, butter beer and some blankets. Mom sat next to Uncle Prongs and I sat in the middle between Mom and Dad with Moony on the other side of Padfoot. Pads had his arm around my shoulder. We all got comfy on the couch with some butter beer."So what do you guys want to know?" I asked

"Who are your friends?" Mom asked.

"Well obviously Harry and Hermione. Then there's Ron, Fred, Gorge, and Ginny Weasly, Lee Jordan, and Dean Tomson. Although Fred, Gorge, Lee and I are the Mauraders of this generation. Like Professor McGonaglle said, we're always pulling pranks. If only they knew I'm the daughter and niece of the best pranksters Hogwarts has ever seen."

"Yeah, she's been planning pranks all summer like you two used to." Moony said while pointing at Uncle Prongs and Dad. They both started laughing.

"So Mini Pads, jinx anyone yet." Uncle Prongs asked only to get hit in the head by Mom.

"Actually I have. Draco Malfoy. Messed with Hermione, calling her stuff he shouldn't have so I jinxed him. Ron tried to get him with a slug-vomiting charm but it backfired from when he broke his wand when he and Harry flew an enchanted car from London straight into the Whomping Willow. Let's just say Draco had hot pink hair for a month." I said.

"Wait, he and Harry WHAT?" Mom asked

"Well the portal closed because of a house elf who was trying to help Harry so they took a car Mr. Weasley had and flew it to the school." I explained.

"Well as long as no one got hurt." Mom said.

"I see you got your mothers nak for jinxing." Uncle Prongs said.

"Yeah." I said

"So, is there a special someone yet?" Padfoot asked with a smirk

"Maybe." I said, drawing out the whole word.

"Who is it?" Moony asked with confusion as to why I hadn't told him yet.

"Well, um, Ginny Wesley, but we're not dating." I said

"That's amazing, when do I get to meet her?" Mom asked, since she's able to see me having a crush on someone.

"When Peters caught."

"Well I'll decide if she's good for you soon enough." Moony said.

"Oh my god Moony no. I promise you'll all love her." I said.

"Padlet, you may wanna tell James about Harry before he explodes." Padfoot said.

"He's amazing, he's so nice to everyone, minus the Slytherins but they always start it. He and Ron are best mates but he's really close to Hermione and I. If you ask me he has a thing for Hermione but I don't know if she likes him back." I said.

"What classes do you two like?" Moony asked, I think he's going to like this response.

"We have the same opinion on classes. Our favorite and best class is Defense Against the Dark Arts." Moony smiled a little. "And we hate Snape's class, positions. It's my worst class, probably because he hates all of you but Mom." I responded and Mom frowned.

"I'll talk to him." Mom said.

"Or I will." Padfoot said in a menacing tone.

"Babe, I know none of us particularly like Severus but I do have to sit next to him at dinner." Moony said. Most kids get grossed out when their parents show affection to one another but I never have nor will I ever.

"All right." Dad said.

"So Padlet, do you play Quiddtich?" Uncle Prongs asked.

"Kind of, I help Fred and George train, their beaters, and I help Harry some because I still have pretty damned good skills from when we would all play at home.If someone isn't able to plau I play for them because I'm bloody good with all of the positions." I said. Suddenly a thought occurred to me. "WAIT. If we catch Peter will Harry be able to come home immediately? Will I be able to explain everything to my friends?" I said, excited knowing we were close to catching Peter, although I don't know how because they won't let me help, or even tell me other than the small details.

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