The Boggart

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I woke up the next morning to having two paw's rammed onto my shoulders. The same way Padfoot used to wake me up when I was a kid. I smiled and opened my eyes to see a dog on me. I patted his head and got up to get dressed. I got ready for the day, deciding to leave my hair down. I did a simple eyeliner, grabbed my bag and made sure Mom was on my shoulder and headed to the common room.

"Hermione, why didn't you wake me up?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"I tried. You flipped me off and told me to let you sleep." She said

"Fuck, how late was I up?" I asked.

"Late I'm assuming, because your tie isn't done." Hermione said. I looked down and saw it undone and quickly tied it.

"Let's get to breakfast." I said and we made our way to the great hall. I sat down next to Ginny and she kept her head down. Weird. I thought.

"Oi Y/n, your turn." I heard Dean say from a couple seats down, who had his arm around Seamus.

"I will. Give me some time." I said.

"What's he talking about?" Ron asked.

"We made a deal. He tells someone something, I tell someone something." I answered

"What's it about?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, really." I said, looking down, blushing.

"Little Y/n has a crush. Who is he?" The twins said in unison, from the other side of Ron.

"There is no guy I like." I said, and I saw Hermione try and stifle a laugh, but failed.

"Oi, Mione, who is he?" Ron asked.

"I'm not telling." She said and winked at me. Suddenly Ginny stood up and left with her head down. Why was she so upset? I asked myself. I looked at Hermione and she just nodded. I went off after Ginny. I found her in the hallway outside the Great Hall, crying.

"Ginny?" I said softly. "Are you ok?"

She nodded her head yes, But I knew she wasn't. "What's wrong?" I asked, trying to be gentle.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She said

"No, you're not. You know you can talk to me." I said.

"Who is he?" She asked.

"I promise, I don't have a crush on a guy." I said.

"Why did they keep saying you have a crush on some guy? Even Hermione knows."
"Listen, I don't like some guy. I fancy a girl. Hermione found out, and that's why she was laughing, because it's not a guy.

"What did Dean mean by 'it's your turn'?"

" The whole thing started, because Dean and I made a deal. If he told his crush he likes them, I would tell my crush I like her."

"Who is she?" Ginny asked.

"How bout I tell you after class today." I said.

"Ok." She said. We then stood up and people were coming out of the Great Hall. We made our way to the Dungeons for Potions. Of course, Malfoy had to make a scene and come in late. Snape then made Ron, Harry and I prepare his potion ingredients. Mom noticed this and flew over to Snape.

"Y/n, your butterfly went over to Snape." Harry said worriedly.

"It's fine." I said and kept preparing my own ingredients now that I was done with Malfoys. I leaned across the table to Hermione and whispered in her ear. "It's funny how Malfoy doesn't know that he and I are related." and Hermione looked at me with wide eyes.

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