My Crazy Life

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"Remember, what don't you tell people?" my dad Remus Lupin, or to me and his friends, Moony asked me.

"Who my parents are, that I'm a werewolf, Uncle Prongs and Mom are alive, and Harry and I are half siblings. And if someone asks where I go every month I go to study." I said, knowing everything because I could tell no one of this for my whole life.


"Dad, I understand everything but I don't get why people can't know your my dad. I'm not ashamed of you. You're the best dad I could ever ask for." When I said this he pulled me into a hug.

"I understand sweetheart but think of this, if you tell people you live with your Aunt and Uncle they won't think you and Harry are related. Plus they'll want to know who your other parent is."

"Yeah, I guess."



I got onto the platform and loaded my trunk onto the train so I could have a few more moments with Moony. "Bye Moony. I'll see you at the end of the year." I said, hugging him tightly because I wont see him for months.

"Oh you'll see me much sooner than that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely confused.

"You'll see. Oh and before I forget to tell you, check out the Daily Prophet. I think you will be very happy with part of it. Just be careful with what you say if you read it around anyone."

"Ok?" I said, more as a question.

The whistle for the train went off and I said a quick Love you to my dad before I booked it for the train.

I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione in one compartment so I made my way over to them. I slid the compartment door open and immediately they turned to me. "Hey Y/n," said Harry. "Hey lil bro." I said. Ya I know he doesn't know i'm really his older sister but we've always had a brother sister relationship. "Hey do any of you happen to have a copy of the Daily Prophet?" I asked, really curious about what Moony had just said.

"Yeah, I do." Hermione said, looking in her bag for a few seconds. She then pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet and handed it to me. I nearly choked when I saw the first page. The headline read

Sirius Black, Mass Murder Escaped Azkaban

Sirius Black, convicted of killing a dozen muggles with a single curse, has recently broken out of Azkaban and should be considered highly dangerous, seeing as he is the first one to break out.

Reading this I wanted to jump up and down screaming with joy, but I knew that would give me away. But I also knew it would be hard to contain my happiness for the rest of the night. Sirius Black is not a murderer, I will assure you of that. He's my other dad. Lily carried me for my dad's Moony and Padfoot, as I've always called them though sometimes I'll call Padfoot Pads or Dad. That's how Harry and I are related. 

Pads supposedly gave away the secret location of Lily and James to Voldemort who 'killed them' then tried to kill Harry. Well none of this other than him trying to kill Harry is true. Did someone give them away? Yes. Was it Padfoot? No. I was someone they thought was their friend. Peter Petegrew.

What happened is Dad made him the keeper who would make sure no one ever found out where Lily and James were but he ratted them out to Voldemort. When he got there the only people there was a seven year old Harry and I and Peter who was "watching us." Uncle Prongs and Mom were at Hogwarts with Dumbledore. When Voldemort tried to kill Harry and I something happened and it erased all of his memories. Since then Padfoot has been in Azkaban and I've lived with Moony.

I found out I am a werewolf but I have to keep this to myself, in fear my friends would hate me. I'm different though. I turn into a normal black wolf not what Moony turns into. I can turn when I want but I have to on a full moon.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hermoine gently shaking me. My head snapped up then I realized I had tears in my eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Y/n, are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Yeah Harry, I swear on my Mom." I said and everyone in the compartment knew I was fine. If I swear something on my Mom they know I'm not lying. They, thankfully, decided to drop the subject. The rest of the train ride was normal, laughing, Hermione trying to get Harry and Ron to read Hogwarts, a History. She stopped bugging me in the second year after I read it. I reached into my bag and pulled out a muggle book, Divergent. I was raised by one of the biggest book worms in the world so it's only natural I love books. Despite how close Moony and I are, I've always been closer to Padfoot. Him and I like the same muggle bands, I always have a leather jacket and I almost NEVER let people mess with my hair. The few exceptions are Hermione when she does an up-do, Ginny since she likes it 'cause "It's so soft and long" and Pads and Moony. My hair is long, black and slightly wavy.

Something only a few people know is I have a mind link with Padfoot, Moony, Uncle Prongs and Mom. It works like a cell phone. I can answer or decline but I don't talk out loud and no one can eavesdrop. I suddenly got a link from Padfoot so I accepted it.

Pad, Y/n

Hey sweetheart.

DAD! Hey, how are you?

I'm good

Is it true? Did you really break out?

Yep. I'll be home soon. As soon as we find Petegrew I'll be home along with Lily and James and we can tell Harry everything.

OMG this is awesome.

I love you sweetheart, I have to get going, can't stay in one spot for long

Ok, Love you too Pads, see you soon.

See you soon.

And with that we disconnected.

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