First Kiss

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It was soon enough time for us to leave. Padfoot and Mom were ready, all that needed to be done was tell Harry and Ron I was going to the library. I got my book to make it look more like I was going to the library. "Hey, I'm going to the library; I don't know when I'll be back." I said.

"Ok." Harry said, and Ron was somewhere.

I went outside and ran into Moony. We made our way to the Whomping Willow. Mom hit the knot that makes the tree stop. We slipped into the secret passage and started going to the Shrieking Shack. When we got there, we started to transform. From there, I couldn't remember anything, but it wasn't like it was before; I could always remember I felt miserable, but this time, I could tell it wasn't as bad.

I ended up getting a long scratch over my face, and a long one on my chest. A smaller one on my forearm, but that wasn't as bad. I woke up in the infirmary, a bandage over my chest. Madam Promfrey must have patched my face up so I didn't need a bandage. I raised the sleeve on my arm and my tattoo was gone.

I then saw a red head by my bed. I smiled a bit. She raised her head slowly and smiled when she saw I was awake.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." She replied.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"All night, wouldn't go back to her dorm until you woke up." I heard Madam Promfrey say. I smiled.

"You're good to go back to class, you're lucky, your father had it worse."

"Is he ok?" I asked.

"Yes, but I don't think he's going to be in class today." She said.

"Ok." I said and got up. I made my way to my dorm to get dressed and take my potion. When I was changing, I looked in the mirror and saw my new scars. I cringed. The one on my face went from the corner of my eyebrow to my nose. A half in closer and I would have gotten my eye. How can I blame that on a fall? When I saw the one on my chest I really cringed. Good thing they won't see this one. It went from my left shoulder diagonally to my hip. I'm not the self conscious type, but these scars are my one insecurity. They remind me of the night I turn into a monster, a killer. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Yeah?" asked.

"It's Ginny, can I come in?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said. I didn't want her to see my scars, but I couldn't keep it from her. When she came in she kept staring at me. I was only in my bra and pants. I found my shirt and started to slide it on, but she stopped me. She started tracing the lines on my chest and stomach, my breath hitched in my throat.

"Beautiful." She said.

"No, they're not." I said.

"Yes, they are. How don't you see that?" She asked.

"All but one of them is a reminder I turn into a beast. The only one that's not is a reminder of the night my brother, and my mother, and my father, and my uncle got taken from me." I said.

"You are not a beast. You are a girl. An amazing person, who went through bad stuff. And you are who you are because of that. And I love who you are and wouldn't change you for anything."

"Ginny," I said.

She started leaning in and at some point our lips connected. We made our way to my bed and she was straddling my lap. We continued to make out until Hermione walked in.

"Y/n you won't believe what's going to happen to Buckbeak..." She said until she noticed how Ginny and I were sitting. "Oh. I'll just tell you later. Do you want me to tell Dean?"

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