He knows

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A/n: Two chapters a few minutes apart. I know I'm scared as well, I don't know how much more there will be of this one. Im sorry the last two have been short, but it's what I could think of. Please lee comments on if I should cotinue this story or start a new one. Thank you for the views.

We were in the common room. Just Harry and I. Hermione was reading and Ginny went to bed early. Ron had already gone to bed, worried about Scabbers who was, yet again, missing. Harry and I were just talking about random things. Harry stopped mid sentence. Padfoot was laying on the ground at my feet. "Wait a minute." Harry said. He looked deep in though, but Padfoot didn't look up. "How did I forget?" He looked at me. "I remember."

"Remember what?" I asked.

"A part of my childhood, with my sister and Uncle Siri, and Mom and Dad. We were playing on brooms, me and my older sister were on one team, and Uncle Siri and Dad were chasing us, and Mom was throwing stuff at Dad and Uncle Siri" He said. "I woke up with the Dursleys, thinking I'd been there my whole life."

"How..." I said.

"I don't know. How did I forget? I remember everything now. They aren't dead, it was Wormtail." He said.

"Then you know why we couldn't tell you." I said.

"I understand. It was to keep me safe." He said.

"I'm assuming you remember what Padfoot is." I said. He looked confused, then looked at Padfoot.

"He isn't." Harry said. I nudged Padfoot with my foot until he looked up.

"He remembers. Harry got his memories back." I said. He looked at Harry and tackled him and started kissing him.

Harry laughed. "Ok Uncle Siri." He said.

"We need to go to Dumbledore." I said. Padfoot moved his head up and down. "Let's go." I said. We started walking and Moony saw us.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked.

"Moony, I remember everything." Harry said.

"How?" Moony asked.

"I don't know, we're going to Dumbledore." Harry said. Moony nodded his head and we made our way to Dumbledore's office. We got there and he looked up.

"How may I help you?" He asked.

"I remember everything." Harry said.

"Well, it looks like my spell worked then." Dumbledore said, sounding completely unsurprised, but happy as well.

"What spell?" Moony asked, confused.

"I found a spell, and its purpose is to bring back memories that were lost because of dark spells. I wasn't sure if it would work, because of how powerful the spell causing the memory loss was, but I was hopeful. I learned about it recently, because it wasn't something taught in Hogwarts when I went. It's very complicated to learn, probably the most difficult I've ever performed." He said.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"Of course, I know how hard it's been for your family with you not knowing, and Y/n not being able to tell you."

"Can we go to the room of Requirements?" I asked.

"Of course, and Harry, surly you understand, you can not tell anyone, not even Mr. Weasley. The only people aware of the situation is everyone in this room, Professor McGonaglle, Professor Snape, your mother and father, and Ms. Weasley and Ms. Granger." Dumbledore said.

"How do Hermione and Ginny know?" Harry asked.

"I told Ms. Granger because I figured she would find or herself, she said she already made the connection you and Y/n were related because of your eyes, and Ms. Weasley was told because she kept trying to find out on her own." Dumbleore explained.

"Of course." Harry said, and we made our way to the Room of Requirements.

I mind linked to Mom.

Mom Y/n

Mom, you need to get to the Room of Requirements, Asap.

I'm already here with James. What's so important?

You'll see

I ended the mind link. We got there within a couple of minutes. We walked in and Mom was pacing, clearly worried

"Mom, everything is great." I said. She looked at me, then at Harry.

"James, it worked." Is all she said.

"Oh my Merlin." Uncle Prongs said and Mom ran up to him and hugged him. She started crying like she did when she saw me again, tears of pure happiness. When she let go Uncle Prongs hugged him. I smiled, everyone is together again. Everything will go back to normal. Padfoot then changed and hugged Harry. He then hugged Moony, and lastly me.

"All we need to do is catch Peter and everything will be normal again." Padfoot said.

"I don't know if normal is the right word," I said and everyone laughed.

"I saw you on the Quidditch pitch. You're good, got my seeker skills." Uncle Prongs said.

"Yeah, thankfully he doesn't have your big ego as well." I laughed

Uncle Prongs flipped me off. I put my hand over my chest acting as if I was offended.

"Well, one thing I want to know is why Snape knows, he hates me and Y/n, I know he doesn't like Dad and he's not the biggest fan of Remus." Harry said.

"Because he's my friend. I don't understand why he doesn't like you Y/n or Moony, but James and Sirius had it coming." She explained.

"We used to jinx and humiliate him just because we were bored, and looking for something funny." Uncle Prongs said. "Not our finest years."

"Well, I still want to know what happened with you and Ginny. You guys have been acting weird ever since that day in the Great Hall." Harry said. I face palmed.

"You are just as oblivious as your father." Moony said.

"How are we oblivious?" They asked at the same time.

"You watched your best friends make out for two years thinking they were just friends." Moony said pointing at Uncle Prongs.

"And you would have been that bad if I wasn't here to tell you now, Ginny and I are dating." I said.

"That's why Ron keeps glaring at you." Harry said.

"Well, it didn't help that Hermione said she saw us snogging." I muttered.

"Haha, that's my girl." Padfoot said. Mom slapped him on the chest and Moony rolled his eyes.

We continued to catch up and have a blast as a family again. We stayed there almost all night until we could barely keep our eyes open. I ended up falling asleep a couple times for a quick second. I then remembered a Marauder rule I was told. If anyone falls asleep they will be pranked, so I stayed awake for the most part. We had a blast as a family. I was with my brother, and he was with his sister. He knew. Everyone that really matters knows other than Ron.

When Harry and I were going to go back to our dorms I got the map out to check that Filch wasn't between us and the common room. Getting detention would really spoil my good mood. I looked at it and, though tired, my eyes widened so large that if they opened anymore they would pop out. I thought, for a second, I was hallucinating but I've read the map, more tired than I am now and not seen this. "Lumos." I muttered and opened the door a little. "Accio Wormtail." I said and a rat landed in my hand. It was scratching and biting and doing everything in its power to get out of my hand, but it didn't. I was this close to getting my life back, I wasn't going to let it go because of a few scratches.

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