
Your quirk is strong like mine.
Welcome to the group of elites where only those with strong quirks are allied.
I'm the leader!

Together, we're going to grow up to be heroes like all might!"
Katsuki said as he stanced in a "cool" kid pose.

But who is this "all might" they're talking about?"
So cool.

But er... Who's all might?"

Katsuki quickly whipped out a little all might figurine from his bag.

"All might is the #1 hero of this country!
He's the strongest hero to exist!
He's our symbol of peace and everyone around the world looks up to him!
It's because of him that the crime rate in Japan is so low!

His fighting is amazing!
And he's super strong!

He's the best person to exist!"


The more I hear about them the more I grow to hate them.
They sound like they'll try to get in the way of my future plans of the world and I can't have that.
I've been around longer than anyone else on this earth so why am I being told what to do.
Hm .

I know.
I'll get my proper education first. Then once I've finally figured out how this world works and know what I need to know I'll figure out how to prevent ever being forgotten ever again."

"And he fight villains like whopa!
And kachow!
He's amazing!"
Bakugo said as he ended his fanboy tangent.


That's a word that was thrown at me once a couple centuries back.
And I was the only one around.

You want to tell me there are now villains...

Like the number has increased...?


That's amazing."

"You're coming to my house after school!
You have to watch some videos of him, you'll know how strong he is then!"

Izuku said forced at he internally groaned.
"But wait.
I have a doctor's appointment today after school"

"Aw man really...?!"

"Yeah they're going to confirm my quirk"

Then come tomorrow!"

"Let me ask mom and-"

"Aunt inko will let you, she comes over all the time!"

"Alright then...!"
"I hate this."


The school day came to a quick end.

Izuku found himself mentally drained after dealing with the brats for 8 hours straight.
It was impossible to do anything without getting in trouble with the teacher...

After school inko came and picked him up, she didn't waste any time driving to the doctor's office.

"So Izuku did you learn anything in-"

"Yeah no we're not repeating this.
Keep driving"
Izuku said as he controlled her to shut up and not look back.

He only had to tap someone once within 24 hours to control them however he pleased.
The person also can't break out the mind control until izuku physically decides to release them.

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