When we step out, we notice that the lady who's typically at the reception desk is missing. 

'Well, that's convenient.'

Jean gives me a desirous look, and quickly pulls me towards his office. As he opens the door, the receptionist is setting a nice fat stack of papers on his desk. 

'That's not convenient.' 

I pull Jean close. 

"I'll be outside if you need me," I tell him, kissing his cheek. 

He gives me a nod, squeezing my hand. 

I go out to my work area and go through the same routine I do every morning; scroll through emails, check Jean's appointment book, and brew our teas. I go into his office with our cups and saucers, and sit with him at his desk. Jean's phone starts sounding off and he answers it. He speaks to whoever is on the other end for only a few seconds. When he hangs up, he bursts into a state of panic, flipping on the TV he has in his office and tuning it to a news channel. 

"An explosion at the Skyfleet terminal at the Lynden Pindling International Airport took place e last night. A terrorist attack was narrowly thwarted by a British Intelligence agent, two people who were involved dead. No passengers were harmed. More on this story coming up soon."

I look back to Jean and see his eye beginning to twitch. Sure enough, a small stream of blood is leaking from it. 

"You know I'll never stop worrying when that happens, right?," I chaff, dabbing his cheek for him. 

He wraps an arm around my hips and brings me close, resting his head on my stomach. 

"It'll be alright, honey. You'll see."

He gives me a tight-lipped smile that doesn't reach his eyes. 

"Let me know if you need me." 

"I always need you," he says under his breath, almost in a whisper, as I'm walking away. 

I stop at the door and turn back to him. 


He anxiously looks up at me. I can't help but observe Jean's sad and worried scowl.  

"We'll be fine. I know you're a good and intelligent man. I know you'll keep us safe."

Something that resembles shame takes over Jean's features, and he looks at the floor. 


"... Cancel all my appointments today. I also won't be accepting any phone calls. I need to think."

"Okay, dear. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you." 

He nods and turns his chair around to look at the skyline. I softly close the door on my way out.

The work day goes by slowly until it's time for lunch. I knock on Jean's door, but get no answer. I decide not to push it, and go to the employee lounge. Word had obviously spread that Jean and I are seeing each other as all the women on break crowd around me as I sit down. 

"So… you and the boss… that's pretty kinky."

"Does he have a big mansion? Does he smother you in luxury?"

"You're such a change from that last piece of work he kept bringing in."

"I'm so jealous of you!"

Question after question is fired at me and I put a hand up to quiet them down. 

"As flattered as I am in your sudden need to pry in my love life, my relationship is something I don't need to share. I don't kiss and tell."

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