Chapter 8: Walking on glass

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Izumi's Pov:

As katsuki walked his way to his house, I proceeded to go ahead aswell.
Hearing the crunch of gravels and dirt under my shoes, I sighed as I ponder over the words kachan said to my brother

I never thought I'd let him do that to izuku. My brother always yearned to be a hero one day unfortunately that all shattered when we found out he was quirkless. Although he still believed he'll be a hero

Can't he understand that its dangerous for a quirkless person like him??
At first I didnt understand why kachan changed his attitude towards izuku, everytime brother talked about being a great hero someday
he'd get pissed and hurt izuku.
Even my parents always looked sad when they looked at him.
My parents started to ignore him more , I dont know why but they weren't as affectionate to him as before, maybe they felt guilt whenever they see their quirkless son, so they indulge themselves on their work.
Kachan would often bully Izuku. It started small but now it got worse as time passed by.

At first I was angry, why did they changed their attitude towards my brother after learning he didn't have a quirk ?.

I did my best to comfort and protect him, but as time went on I realized why they changed.

Even if its cruel , I admit. Kachan was doing the best thing to help izuku

People without a quirk are lowest of the low here. They'd often get hurt by villains.
And Izukus eagerness makes things worse for him, his delusions on being a hero without a quirk... it just can't work.
Katsuki is just trying to discourage him to drop the dream of being a hero.
As cruel as it I can somewhat understand.

Izuku never fought back to katsuki's  insults and blows, he just took the hit with his skinny quivering body. Even after years has passed, he just stood their and took it.

Even between my parents, he never questioned the cold attitude, on why they gradually ignored him ,he just take whatever, and he wants to be a hero? He can't even stand for himself. We can't just always be by his side forever..

Thats why I started acting different towards him, it hurts, but he has to let go of those dreams and wake up.

Nibbling my fingers as I walked, my mind lost in thoughts, a familiar voice called out. I followed the call and was met by a tall buffed figure. Allmight!

"Dad!" I shouted, as i ran towards him stretching my arms out for a hug.

Thats right, I found out that the no. 1 Hero of Japan was actually my father, quite a funny story actually,

  it was Saturday , I just left the Bakugou's house after playing with katsuki. As I was walking down the road I passed by a small alleyway, and saw someone that caught my eye. It was allmight!

I hid behind the corner, curious on what he was doing. And why he was hiding , then like a smoke bomb, allmight was suddenly surrounded by dust and a quick poof of air came after.
Shocked I saw a man with a skinny physique with long blond hair and blue eyes that has seveir dark circles around them.

" DAD!?" I shout, and covered my mouth immediately.

" Izumi!?" He gasped as he stood in shock as if he was just caught committing a crime.

long story short, He explained who he actually was and that it was top secret and I shouldn't go around spreading it.

I nodded , and promised him to not tell a soul about his secret identity.

Back to the present
I asked why he came to me and could have just wauted for me in the house, he explained that he had something important that he needed to tell me.

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