Chapter 6: Suddenly Shifted

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Izukus pov:

Days and months went on
I stayed most of my time in my room , I mostly read books and play allmight videos.
My sister and I played less also. She and katchan always would hang out in the little territory.

For some reason I didn't wanted to go outside that much anymore, maybe because kachan and I had a fight the other week, I didn't mean it, its not really my fault I just wanted to help the kid they were picking on. I never thought kachan would actually punch hurts

I grumbled as I rub my face remembering what happened that day, thankfully Izumi stopped our fight, and she punched kaachan back.

Since that day kaachan called me all kinds of names worse than before, I didn't mind i know what he is like,  but i don't know what made him upset

" did I do something wrong to kachan..?"
I mumbled as I colored my allmight coloring book.

For the past few days kachan would always pick on me, he would scare me with his little explosions and called me names when I cry , he often calls me deku now, Izumi always tried to stop him though.

I would often come home with little burns and bruises , mom always patched them up for me , but for the past few days she seemed busier.

Dad on the other hand weren't always home , he said his hero worked often made him come home late at night, I didn't mind he is a hero I guess all heroes are busy.

My sister said that I should not play with them anymore since kachan told her that he didn't want me there, she said she'll stay with me in the house but I didnt want to keep her away from playing.
So for the past few day I spent most of my time in my room playing with toys, and reading. Mom always made us snacks and gave me extra cause Izumi mentioned one time at the dinner table that they didn't wanna play with me outside anymore. Cause I always got hurt.

People seemed busier

[Time skip]

3 years had passed, me and Izumi  started school a year ago. Both of us just turned 7 along with kachan.

I woke up at 7:08am, breakfast was already on the table , mom and dad were already gone too
Izumi was upstairs taking a shower for school
" I guess she and kachan will go together again" I said to my self as I slowly walked down the staircase. The sunshine laminated the whole house. The sound of running shower from upstairs along with whistling wind that pass through the window making the thin cream curtains to sway along

I made my to the kitchen, mom left a sticky note everyday for us to make sure we know where to find our stuff

" breakfast omelet rice and pea soup, bento box in the corner for both of you


Just like dad I came to know that mom was also a hero, I just didn't know who she was though, if I asked her sometimes she would just tell me she's busy or change the subject,  I guess its a secret.

Both Mom and dad would often start there day early and comes home at 6 the earliest. Sometimes they'll come back at 10pm or the next day.

Mrs. Bakugou would often watch over us from their house and would make us dinner if my parents are home late.

Me and my sister both adjusted from seeing our parents all the time to not seeing them often.

In my thoughts once again, I walked through memory lane as I remember the past events in my life the fast changes that occurred as if they just happened yesterday.  I snapped back when I heard my sister slammed her bento on the table. She would often do that nowadays stating she wanted my attention.

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