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Sarada's POV

Lately...something weird has been happening to Boruto.

No, it's not anything to do with Momoshiki or anything instead it's...well...me. I'm the problem.
And it's amazing. Why?
Cuz this boy knows how to faint during ANY situation where I get close to him.

Not like close where we sit next to each other, no, it's more like....this one time during winter, a ton of snow was on his head. Me, being shorter than him had to tiptoe to reach his hair and dust it off. But like...THERE WAS EVEN SNOW GETTING INTO THE SCALP! So I had to really get in there and get the snow out. Suddenly I felt heat somewhere near my face after some time, and when I looked, Boruto's eyes were closing. I got kinda confused so I let my hands down from his hair...but the next thing is...HE FAINTED!!


Then there was another time we were on a mission, an infiltration mission. Obviously, we gotta hide. Me, Boruto and Mitsuki ended up being separated but we knew what we came for so we'd end up at the same spot anyhow.

I ran into Boruto.

"Did you see Mitsuki anywhere?" I whispered to him.

"No, sorry. We got spilt up."

That's when we heard someone's footsteps nearing us, so we hid between two walls. Although it kinda made it hard for both of us to fit in, so our bodies were really close, which didn't bother me at all cuz I was more focused on the person who suddenly came the way we were in.

When I really thought he would just walk past, someone else had to come walking towards him to, THEY STOOD JUST A FEW FEET AWAY FROM THE OPENING OF THE SPACE BETWEEN THE TWO WALLS!

And for God knows how long they were at it! Cuz suddenly, just like that, Boruto lost his consciousness...AT A TIME LIKE THIS, AND WE'RE LITERALLY STUCK BETWEEN TWO WALLS THAT CAN BARELY FIT US IN WITH TWO PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT CAN MAKE OUR MISSION GO DOWNHILL IF WE STEP OUT!!!

Thankfully, Mitsuki finished the business we came for and distracted them so I could get out with an idiot who fainted during a mission.

A few more incidents like this kept happening, so I realized it's cuz of how close we were that he fainted. I never see him faint when too close to other people tho. It's weird.

...I don't want to think that what I'm thinking is what I think it is but I really think this is what the reason might be as to why he faints when he's too close to me.
He...likes me, doesn't he. And I mean...like like me. Like...more than friends.

I didn't believe it at first when I thought of it but after spending some time with Miss Hinata, it all came clear.

"Say Hinata, do you think the same way Naruto was dense to his feelings for you, Boruto would be the same for his future wife?"

"W-What are you saying Aunt Sakura?!?!" Boruto's face was tinted in red.

"Hmm...I think he might be like that, but he might also even faint."

"Faint?" Himawari and I questioned Miss Hinata.

"Yes, back when I had a crush on Naruto, and he would get really close....I'd faint.........alot." Miss Hinata explained, face tinted in red color as she recollects memories from her past.

After remembering that conversation, it was clear to me, why he faints around me when we're really close. He likes me.

Now that I've realized this, MY face gets all heated up and I get flustered and get nervous and all these weird sensations from everywhere on my body would suddenly happen whenever we would even give each other hug!!

From accidently touching hands, communicating by staring at each other's eyes, heck- even our rivalry is being affected when we spew insults at each other and our faces get close!

Why? Why is it, that I act like this now around him? We weren't like this back then. It's almost as if I....


No way.

It can't possibly be that I......

like him too?

oh no. Oh no. OH NO! I....I FEEL THE SAME WAY HE DOES!!!

Wait! What if all his fainting is just nothing? What am I saying? He faints whenever he gets close only with me, right? Else...what if he just gets like that cuz of the closeness and not cuz he likes me? Maybe it's just how close we are, maybe he doesn't like me? Where am I getting all these questions from suddenly?!?!?!?!

A/N: whoa, I remember this. I had such a huge headcanon that Boruto faints around Sarada the same way Hinata did around Naruto. So I wrote a lil sumth. I forgot abt this. Anyway postingggg~

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