The Red Door

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    It was a bright summers day when the door appeared. It was a red door and it would be a completely normal door other than the fact that it had no house attached to it.

   False was having a normal day. She had a plan to complete a server quest and maybe do a bit of pranking along the way. As soon as she stepped out the door she felt the cold wind against her skin.

   False flew through the sky taking in the landscape beneath her. She could see a few trees start to pop up once she got farther away from the snowy mountain. And then she saw something strange. It looked like a mangrove door.

  Curiosity got the best of her and she flew down to check it out. Upon further examination False noticed that it wasn't a mangrove door. It didn't look like any of the normal doors due to the fact that it was completely smooth.

   False opened the door hoping to find something other than the landscape behind it but there was nothing. It was just a view of the starter town.

   The rest of False's day went by normally with nothing much exciting happening. Right after she had brushed her teeth and hair she felt a weird feeling of nauseous but she just brushed it off.

   In the morning, False felt different. She felt productive, she felt like she could do anything in the world and run a mile afterwards. 

   False grabbed some rockets and flew into the sky. She flew higher and higher until she was far above the clouds. She kept on swooping through the clouds except the she didn't notice her elytra was about to break.

   She plummeted to the ground. She could feel the wind rushing against her skin and she felt like she was going to throw up.

   False expected to die but when she hit the ground, she didn't feel anything. She only felt the soft grass on her skin and the wind running through her hair.

  "What the heck?" False said quietly hoping that it was just a glitch.

     False had decided not to tell anyone else about, the incident, and just keep it to herself. For weeks no one questioned her when she survived the un-survivable. They just assumed it was dumb luck.

      False had taken the time to try and find out what the heck had happened to her. After hours and hours of research she finally came across a book titled 'The Red Door and it's Properties'

     'The Red Door is an enchanted door that appears once every century to grant the first being that opens it immortality. No one knows why or how this door exists...'

      She stopped reading. She remember the door that she had opened. That door had made her immortal.

      It had been a couple months since she had found out. False stopped to talking to the rest of the hermits. She cut off all her ties with everybody. A couple people tried talking to her but their attempts failed. False wouldn't let herself be close with anybody. She had heard the stories of people who had become immortal and watched all their friends and family die.

     It had now been a year and since False was still part of hermitcraft, she traveled to season ten with everyone else. She set up her base far away from anybody else and never talked to anyone.

    Seasons passed and the new member new who she was but learned that she preferred to spend her time alone.

     After the first season, she couldn't even remember her own name. She forgot the names of the people she used to call her friends. She forgot everything about her past life.

      It was the eleventh season of hermitcraft and everyone was doing the early game things, grab gear, get tools ect. Stress would of done that but instead she followed her old friend False. No one talked to False anymore. Stress remember the times she had spent with her. She remembered how much fun they had had together and she didn't understand why False had pushed everyone away.

   It had taken a couple of hours but Stress had finnaly worked up the courage to talk to False.

"'ello." Stress said as she walked out of her hiding place.

    False got very tense suddenly and froze. Once she had relaxed a bit she grabbed her sword and ran at Stress. False swung her blade and Stress fell to the floor

"False... why?" Stress said softly as she felt the blade run through her stomach.

   False panicked. That was probably the best way to describe what she had done. 'They'll find out. They'll come for me.' repeated over and over in her head. 

   False ran into the forest she could feel the branches pricking at her skin and she could feel cuts start to form. 

    False ran until she found the first hermit, xB. He looked shocked at first but the second he opened his mouth, she ran out him. He was able to use his pickaxe to defend himself for a while but False was still able to kill him

   False had stopped thinking, it would slow her down. She killed hermit after hermit until she was the last person on the server. Their blood stained her clothes and she expected to feel better but she didn't. She just felt empty.

   False fell to the ground and her head hit the hard stone. She passed out, never to awake again.

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