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Minas POV

Dining Room

I put Tzuyus breakfast down in front of her but she was busy on her phone. Let's now show I'm hurt in front of the kids pr they will get suspicious.


"Mhm", I said looking at Yǔxuān.

"Are you taking me to school?", he asked.


I looked over at Tzuyu and she wasn't even touching her food. Is she still pissed about last night? I mean she go out of the bed and slept on the sofa and she's not even talking to me. She got up and headed towards where the garage is. Not even a kiss goodbye. 

"Is the breakfast good?", I asked.

"Yes, mum".

"Good good".

~ Time Skip ~

Tzuyus POV

My Office

"What wrong with you?", my secretary asked.

"Should I be giving my wife the cold shoulder for going out with someone who she thought was attractive?".

"Of course how can your wife do that you should divorce her", she said.

"Divorce her", I said.

"Well, obviously she thinks other females are hotter than you. Romance in your teenagers years don't last".

"Okay okay you can go", I said.

"Consider it Mrs Chou".

"I'll consider the idea. Go make me a coffee".

"Yes Ma'am", she said.

~ A few minutes later ~

"Hey charmer".

I looked up from my computer shocked to see Sana.

"Hi I didn't expect you to be here or know where my company building was", I said.

"Mina told me where it was when we met last night".


"Did you know? We met last night because I asked her to", she said.

"Wait really?", I asked.

"Yeah we talk about you a lot actually. She really loves you".

I stood up feeling really frustrated with myself.

Faded Humanity [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt