Chapter 11

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* KILI *

We went to Helm's Deep. Gimli told Éowyn about Aragorn. She couldn't believe it, same as we couldn't.

I quickly took Malia in my arms and carried her inside the castle. There I put her in a safe place designated by king. She was so pale, she had lost a lot of blood, and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't lose her... Not her.

Legolas promised to take care of her. He was an elf and knew all kinds of spells that could help, but I was afraid for my wife anyway. Elf told me to stay outside for a while. I didn't want to listen, but Gimli stopped me.

I was sitting on the rock and looked at my hands, which were still in Malia's blood. I was trembling all over. If I lose her... I tried to chase away my worst thoughts, but it was hard.

Eventually I got up because I couldn't sit still anymore and started pacing back and forth. I could still see the image of my wounded wife. In the end, I couldn't stand it and hit one of the vases with all my might, and I injured myself a bit, but I didn't care. The most important thing for me right now was Malia. One of the soldiers looked at me in surprise.

"What are you looking at?! " I shouted at him and after a while the other went away.

I sat back down on the rock and put my face in my hands.

"Kili..." I heard Gimli's voice behind me. Dwarf put a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't lose her..." I said through tears. "I can't... "

"I know, lad. " He said sadly and sat down next to me. "Malia is strong, you know that... She'll come out of it, you'll see."

After a long moment, Legolas also appeared. At the sight of him, I immediately got up and walked over to him.

"What about her? " I asked, shaken. "Will she come out of this? " Elf didn't say anything for a long time. "Legolas! "

"I don't have the best news..." He said sadly. "Listen ... The sword shard that wounded her is still in her body... And worst of all... It moves towards her heart. "

"Can you take it out? " Gimli asked.

"I can try. " Elf announced. "But it won't be so easy..." He added quickly, seeing my face. "Kili, I promise I'll do anything to help her. I won't let her die, you hear me? " Said and put his hand on my shoulder. I just nodded.

"Can I go to her? " I asked uncertainly and elf only nodded.

I quickly entered the room where my wife was. She was lying on the bed, covered with a blanket.

I walked over to her, sat down on the chair next to her and took her hand and lightly kissed her hand. She was cold and pale.

I cupped a strand of her brown hair, and after a moment she opened her eyes.

"K-Kili..." She whispered weakly.

"I'm with you..." I said with a faint smile. "It'll be all right. "

She looked around the room so I told her where she was and what had happened. I also told about what Legolas was talking about. One drop of tears ran down her cheek.

"Did you write a letter to Thorin? " She asked, her voice weak.

"Not yet." I replied. "Only the earlier one, in which we wrote that we're going on an expedition with the Fellowship ... Remember? He wrote back that he wanted to go with us, but we wouldn't let him. So that nothing would happen to him. Neither to him nor to Fili .. Erebor needs a king.

She didn't say anything for a moment.

"If..." She began hesitantly. "If... If I'll die... Please tell him that... "

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