Chapter 2

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We were supposed to set off on our journey early in the morning. So Kili and I got up as early as possible to get ready. Before going to the stables, I took the crumbs and gave them to the sparrows that flew over to me. Moments later I went to get my steed. I was just saddling my horse when I heard Kilie's voice behind me.

"Ready for next adventure? " He smiled and came to me to help me with the horse.

"With you? " I looked at him. "Always. " I added and stole an innocent kiss from him.

After a while, the rest of the Fellowship came. I looked at the hobbits. Just the thought of them, made me miss Bilbo. I missed our adventures together.

"You miss Bilbo..." Kili guessed at which I just nodded. "I thought so." He added and nodded his head as a sign for me to turn away.

When I did that, I saw our burglar! He had aged a bit, but it was still our hobbit.

"Bilbo! " I called cheerfully and walked over to him. I hug him at which he just laughed.

"I missed you too. " He said and hugged me back. "It's nice to see you. "

"You too. " Kili smiled, and also hugged Baggins in greeting.

"How's going? " We sat on the bench. "The last time we saw each other was maybe two or three years ago. "

"Nothing new. " Kili shrugged. "Thorin, unfortunately, had to stay in Erebor due to the sheer volume of duties. "

"And Fili stayed to help him. " I added.

We talked like this until the whole Fellowship was assembled. Then we said goodbye to our hobbit, walked over to the others, and when they had all arrived, we set off.


We walked through the mountains, through the seemingly endless glades, and through various other places. I don't know how long it took us to travel to the first stop. But it must have been long because I was so hungry and tired. Gandalf said we must head west of the Misty Mountains for forty days, hoping that the gate of Rohan would be open to us. From there, we'll head east to Mordor.

We were sitting now and we could finally eat something. After I finished eating my portion, I went to see Boromir teach Merry and Pippin to swordsmanship. I have to admit the sight was really fun. I walked over to Aragorn, who was sitting on a rock smoking a pipe. We both had a lot of fun looking at them. At one point, Pippin groaned in pain so Boromir thought he had hurt him. However, the other was just joking. And when Boromir came closer, he and Merry rushed at him, and after a while the three of them lay on the ground.

Aragorn approached them to pull the hobbits away from Boromir, but I refused to let him, and when he tried to pull one of them away, I tripped him and he fell to the ground with them. Pippin and Merry ran away from them, and ran to me and we got each other high fives.

"You guys... " Aragorn laughed and walked towards us.

"What's that? " Sam asked suddenly, which caught our attention.

"Nothing. " Gimli replied. "It's just a wisp of cloud. "

Something black in the sky was approaching us, but it didn't look like a cloud at all.

"It's moving fast..." Boromir said thoughtfully. "Against the wind. "

"Crebain from Dunland! " Legolas shouted.

"Hide! " Kili shouted with Aragorn. "Hurry! "

We quickly gathered our things, put out the fire and hid in the bushes and behind the rocks.

After the crebains flew away, we were finally able to come out of hiding.

"Spies of Saruman. " Gandalf said. "The passage south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras. " Added.

So we had no choice but to climb the mountains. The road was hard there because there was snow everywhere and it was terribly cold. I would have slipped down a few times, but Kili help me. It wasn't just me who had trouble getting in, Frodo had trouble getting in too. He rolled down once, but Aragorn helped him. Unfortunately, because of this he lost the ring, which was later found by Boromir. For a moment I had the impression that Boromir wouldn't give it back to him, but he did... Come with great difficulty.


The road through the Pass of Caradhras was much more difficult. A strong wind was blowing, it was snowing and, with each new step we were sinking into the snow. Another thing is Legolas, who, thanks to his elven abilities, walked across the snow as if he were light as a feather. It didn't even leave any traces.

"There's a a fell voice on the air." He said as he moved to the front.

"It's Saruman! " Gandalf shouted, and after a while an avalanche fell on us from the top of the mountain.

"Lia! " Kili shouted and pulled me closer to protect me from the avalanche.

After several minutes of hard attempts, we finally managed to get out of the snow.

Gimli still insisted on going through the Mines of Moria, but Gandalf wouldn't agree to it. Actually, I had some bad feelings too. Balin, who was in charge of this place, has not spoken to us for a long time. We were supposed to go check on him, but a meeting was called and we didn't make it.

"Let the ring-bearer decide. " Wizard said after a while.

Frodo thought for a moment then said:

"We'll go through the mines. "

Kili and I exchanged anxious glances at his words. I just hoped that our assumptions wouldn't be confirmed...

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