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TW : Suicide, Pills, Alcohol

Mina's POV :

My wife took her phone out of her pocket and dialed 911.

"My daughter !! She tried to kill herself please help me ! HELP ME !!" She screamed hysterically through the phone.

"Mam, calm down I don't understand what you're saying." Answered the other end of the line.

"Hazel, my daughter, she committed suicide... She is barely breathing please send help..." Cordelia broke down and I had to hold her otherwise she would have fall to the ground.

"Breathe my love, breathe. We need to save our energy for Hazel. We need to stay strong." I managed to say through tears.

Cordelia nodded and stood up on her feet, making her way to our baby girl. She sat on the floor and stroked Hazel's hair. As I took the phone and put it on speaker.

"We're sending an ambulance to your location. Can you tell me how she did it ?" The person asked.

"She..." I took a shaky breathe. "She took pills, a lot of pills and she drank a whole bottle of whisky... She is fourteen sir... Fourteen !" I said looking at my pale girl.

"Okay, just wait for the paramedics they'll be there in a minute or so. Stay strong mam."

I put the phone down and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hazel can you hear me ? Sweet love can you hear my voice ?" I demanded even if I knew the reply. I needed to try. And Delia followed me.

"Hazel baby girl, please fight, you're loved, so loved, mom Mina loves you, I love you. You need to fight for you, for us... Please sweetheart please..." She whispered.

We stayed like that for few minutes. Cordelia stroking Hazel's hair and cheeks, sitting on the floor and me, shushing things at my sweet baby as I was trying to shake her a bit to make her stay in this world. Soon we heard people opening the front door and running upstairs. They entered the room and immediately set their tools around us.

"Please step back, we need to take her vitals." One of the paramedic said firmly to me and my wife, but I refused.

"No, I'm staying with her. I'm not letting her go. Not again."

He nodded and did his job on Hazel. He did a total check up after putting an IV in her arm, in order to take back all of the products of pills off of her body.

"We need to take her to the hospital now." He stated and we agreed.

They put Hazel's motionless body on a gurney and we all stepped in the ambulance. I never let go of my daughter's hand during the whole ride and Delia kept stroking her head. Once we arrived at the hospital, they took her to a room where my wife and I couldn't go.

"Just tell us, will she be okay ? We need to know, please." I begged to one of the nurse.

"We hope so. The pills didn't have the time to work on her system as you caught her soon. But we need to keep a close eye on her."

We thanked her and sat on the waiting room, the same spot we were when Hazel sprained her ankle a few weeks ago.

"I feel so bad Dee, I feel like we failed her." I said nearly breaking down. Cordelia immediately put her palms against my cheeks and made me look at her in the eyes.

"No we didn't fail her. We just... We didn't catch what was wrong but we knew something was going on with her. We knew it wasn't our Hazel, skipping classes, smoking, having this attitude... It's not herself."

"But look at where we're Delia, she tried to kill herself. In fact she did it ! She killed herself without giving us any warnings. Or we missed them..."

"We definitively missed them. It was a distress call when she started smoking, when she wasn't getting out of her room except to see her friends."

"I thought she was acting like a normal teenager."

"So do I Mina, so do it. But we found her okay ? We caught her in time, it's what the nurse said. I'm sure she'll be fine." She said reassuringly.

"How can you be so sure ?" I asked tears flowing down my cheeks and my neck, staining my clothes.

"I can feel it, like I could feel something was wrong. And we need to be strong and to have hope, we have to give her hope." She stated as a doctor came to meet us. We immediately stood up.

"Hello miss Venable and miss Goode. I'm Hazel's doctor. For now she's stable, we were able to remove all the pills from her system and we're currently trying to rehydrate her because of the alcohol."

"But will she be okay ? I mean she'll make it right ??" I demanded raising my voice.

"For now yes, she'll be alright. You caught her on time and that's a good thing, you can be proud of you, both of you."

"But ?" Asked Cordelia, sensing something was wrong.

"But she'll need a lot of time to recover, especially for the trauma she may have from her attempt. And as I saw of her files, it's not the first trauma she suffered."

Daughter of Mina & Delia - (Sarah Paulson fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora