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TW : Weed

Hazel's POV :

My first day went well. Luke and I didn't share the same classes the afternoon so I was a bit lonely but I couldn't wait to see my moms and make them proud, because I was very proud of today. I worked great, I participated a lot in classes, which never happened before and I have a friend !

When the bell rang, we all stepped out of the school, and I made my way in front of it, waiting for mom Mina to come pick me up. But when I took my phone out of my pocket, I saw her messaging me.

'Hi baby, I hope your day went well, I'm gonna be late to pick you up, I had one last meeting today so don't worry if you don't see my right away. Come meet me at the parking lot I'll messaging you when I'm here. Love u'

Fortunately, the weather was great today, very very great, and warm. I mean hot. I made my way to the parking lot but I soon realized that the sun was so hot here, I needed to go somewhere less warm and sunny, I made my way to the stadium to find some shadow, when I saw the group from lunch. And they saw me too.

"Hey Hazel ! Hazel you came !" One of the boy yelled.

I rolled my eyes but went to them anyway because I rather stay with people than alone. And also because I wanted them to explain what they were saying before about the people here.

When I approached them, I could smell a disgusting smell, but I couldn't figure out what it was, until I saw they were smocking. But not regular cigarettes, it was different, and I didn't know what it was. I must be staring at it for a while because one of the girl asked me "do you want to try ?"

I suddenly came back to reality and looked at her. "Uh no thanks. I don't smoke."

They all laughed at me, and another girl talked. "Girl, it's not a cigarette, it's weed !"

My eyes went wide. Shit, I was staying with drugged people ! The group noticed my sudden change of emotion because they tried to calm me about the weed.

"It's nothing you know, most of people tried at a moment of their life and in some countries it's legal. I'm sure your parents tried it."

"Uh I don't think so, they're a bit strict."

"Strict parents are the worst with drugs." A boy laughed.

"I swear, it's nothing. Look at us, we already smoked weed before lunch and you didn't notice, right ?"

I nodded.

"And right now, we don't look like drug addicts, do we ?"

I shook my head no.

"Well, just give it a try !" A girl screamed

I looked around me to make sure no one else was watching and I took the joint in my hand.

"What am I even supposed to do ?" I demanded raising an eyebrow.

A boy came closer to me and took my hand in hers. He made his way to my mouth. "Just exhale like you're breathing normally, put it between your lips and inhale, take a deep breathe, and let the weed make its way to your lungs."

And I did so. But it immediately burnt my throat and I coughed like I couldn't take my breathe. They all started to laugh but the boy stayed by my side and helped my recover from this painful experience. Once I felt better I looked at them all with a disgusted face.

"Hey, it's okay for the first time, it did the same for all of us but you'll eventually get use to it, you'll see."

"I don't think I want to try again." I pouted and looked at my phone to see that mom Mina texted me. "And by the way my mom is here so I need to go, bye guys." I took my bag and left quickly as they all screamed 'goodbyes !' 'see you tomorrow !'.

I ran to my mom's car a bit embarrassed about what I did, but I just didn't want her to know that I smocked weed, otherwise she would go crazy on me, first because it's illegal, second because I'm her daughter and whose parents wants to see their children smock ? And third because of her bosses that are real drugs addicts.

But unfortunately, as soon as I sat in the car, she looked at me with big eyes.

"What is this smell ??"

Daughter of Mina & Delia - (Sarah Paulson fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt