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TW : Weed, Alcohol, Yelling

Hazel's POV :

I woke up with a miserable headache, next to Alex. I tried to move but he was holding me, still fast asleep. Once I managed to stood up, he woke up.

"Hey, did you sleep well ?"

"I did. I slept very well, I don't even now what time is it right now." I yawned. He looked at his watch and it was only 7 am.

"I should get ready to go to school." I stated but felt dizzy on my way to the bathroom.

"Wow Haz you're okay ?" He said running to my side.

"I- I have a terrible headache."

"I have something for you." He said sitting me on his bed. He went to his drawer and came back with a pill.

"What is that ? Medication ?" I asked.

"Not really. It's a pill that help when you're not feeling very good."

"Is it safe ?"

"I assure you it is." He brightly smiled and I couldn't resist so I took the pill with a sip of water. But at my big surprise, it was not water, it was rum.

"Urgh ! It's alcohol !" I screamed wiping my mouth.

He laughed at me. "You thought it was water ? Come on Haz, you know me, I never drink water."

I rolled my eyes and stood up again, feeling a bit better. I put the same outfit as yesterday because I had only this one, and Alex gave me one of his hoodie. We left for school and joined the others on the bus. Alex sat next to me and put his arm behind my neck.

"I really like you, you know that ?" He whispered in my neck.

"I really like you too." I replied and turned my head to him. We were so close, our eyes closed and our lips met. We kissed for few seconds until I ran out of breathe.

"That's our first kiss."

"And I want plenty more." He answered, hugging me tight.

When the bus arrived, we made our way throught the hallway to our classroom. We kissed goodbye as I entered my first lesson. I went to sit at the back of the class when Luke waved me to sit next to him, but I shook my head and mouthed 'sorry'.

I didn't pay attention to the whole class because I was thinking of Alex. Suddenly the bell rang and I ran outside. But Alex wasn't here, I thought he must have had another lesson so I stayed there, leaning against the wall and I scrolled through my phone. I noticed messages from my moms and I forced myself to read it.

'Hazel where are you ?' 'Come back here now.' 'Hazel we forbade you to go to the party, now come home.' 'Hazel if you're not back in one hour you'll be grounded.' 'We start to worry, text us please.'

I just texted them 'I'm okay, I'm at school can't answer rn see u tonight'

And I rolled myself a joint of weed. As I was smoking alone, I started having dark thoughts. Like I didn't deserve a boyfriend like Alexander, that I was such a disappointment and so stupid because of my recent bad grades. The pill made me feel better this morning but now, it was worst than ever so I looked through my bag and I found some money. I went to the closest store and bought a bottle of alcohol. The salesman didn't even asked for an ID so I just paid and I came back home, knowing my moms were both at work by now.

I drank until the bottle was empty, and I smoked all the weed I had. I fell asleep after hiding all the evidence of what I had ingested. But I woke up to a loud thud, and when I opened my eyes, I saw both of my moms standing in front of my bed.

"What are you doing ?!" Mom Mina demanded angrily.

"Uh can't you see ? I was sleeping mom." I said and I closed my eyes again, but mom Mina took my cover off of me. "Hey !" I screamed.

"You're supposed to be at school ! They called us again, saying that your grades were declining and you behavior was even worst !! But that's only when you make it to class Hazel ! What is happening with you ?!" Mom Delia yelled.

"Nothing ! Just let me sleep NOW !" I shouted back. They both look at each other and nodded.

"You're grounded. No more phone until your good behavior is back." She said taking my phone from my nightstand.


"No buts. And no more 'I'm late because I was studying'. If you have to study, you'll do it at home. We don't want you to see your friends again. We forbid you to invite anyone and to go to any party or else. Understood ?" Mom Mina continued.

I nodded angrily and took back my cover. "Now let me sleep god dammit !" I shouted through my pillow.

I heard my moms sigh and they left the room.

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