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TW : Panic Attack

Cordelia's POV :

I could see Mina trying to negotiate with the woman from the office, as I was trying to stop Hazel's panic attack. But it was no use. Usually when she was having one, I would take her to some place quieter and I would sit with her comfortably in order to calm her down. But here I could see that the lights were too bring for her, there was too much noise and too many people. And I couldn't move her because of her ankle, which was bothering her even more.

She was still hyperventilating and I could see her face was turning very pale. That's until she started chocking on her own breathe and she fell to the ground, holding her chest.

"HELP !! SOMEONE HELP ME !" I yelled to the whole emergency room. Mina immediately turned around to see what was happening, as doctors and nurses ran to me and Hazel.

"Mam calm down and tell us what's happening here." Said a nurse.

"She's having a panic attack ! A very bad one, look at her she can't breathe !!" I cried as tears were falling freely down my cheeks. It was so painful to see Hazel like that.

"Okay, I need everyone to back up, can someone grab me a gurney and find me a free room ? NOW !" A doctor demanded.

People backed up as Mina came to my side. "Let the doctors do their job now." She said pulling me closer to her.

"She needs us." I cried in Mina's hug.

"I know. We're here Delia. We're with her."

The doctor put her on the gurney and walked fast to a room. We followed him and he asked us to come close to our daughter.

"You must know how to calm her down better than me. Ask me whatever you need for her." He stated nicely.

"Can you turn off the light a bit ? And close the door for the noises." Mina asked him and he did so.

My wife and I both sat on each side of our baby and held one of her hand.

"Hazel sweet love, your moms are here, we're here for you and only you baby. Your our treasure, the most precious thing that had happened in our life, please come back to us baby."

Mina continued. "You're safe, you're so safe with us, nothing can happen to you as long as we're here Hazel. Come on love bug come back to us you can do it you're so strong, we're so proud of you for everything you achieved and you'll achieve. We're gonna help you get better but for that please come back to us." She pleaded and Hazel slowly turned her head to my side, and then to Mina's side.

"Mommys ?"

"Yes it's us, mom Delia and mom Mina. You're so courageous and strong lovely."

She let out a big big breathe even her didn't know she was holding.

"Good girl." I praised.

We helped her lay on the bed. "My ankle still hurts moms." She sighed.

"I know, I'm going to get a doctor now." Mina said and stepped out of the room so I remained alone with Hazel.

"How do you feel now ?" I asked her.

"My head hurts. My leg too."

"What can I do to make you feel better ?"

"Can you maybe... lay on the bed and hold me like a baby ?" She asked looking down like she was ashamed of saying that.

"Of course princess. Hold on." I lifted her and sat on the bed. I laid down and let Hazel set herself on me like she wanted. I held her for few minutes until a doctor stepped in, followed closely by my wife.

Hazel's POV :

I raised my head and saw the previous doctor. I covered my face which was becoming very red from the position I was in, resting on my mother like a baby.

"It's okay Hazel." He said reassuringly. "Can you sit on the edge of the bed and show me where it hurts ?"

I did as I was told and he came closer to me, sitting on a stool. I showed him my foot and winced when he touched it.

"Can you walk ?" He asked me.

"I don't think so..."

"Can you try for me ?"

I hesitantly nodded and stood up, with the help of mom Delia and the doctor. I was able to put my foot on the ground but when I positioned my weight on it, it was very painful.

"Alright. We're gonna head to the scanner and see if it's broken but I think it's only sprained. I'm gonna give you a little sedative for the pain. Does it sound good ?"

"Yes, thank you." I answered weakly as I was becoming sleepy from all the previous events.

The sedative made me sleep until it was time for the scanner, which showed that my ankle wasn't broken, only sprained. I still got a cast and two crutches and we came home, tired, irritated but reassured.

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