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TW : Yelling

Hazel's POV :

I came home this evening, by taking the bus because mom Mina was busy. Alex and the others asked me if I wanted to join them for a party tonight and I said yes even if I didn't asked my moms yet. But I was sure they wouldn't agreed because tomorrow I had school. So I figured out that if they refused, I would sneak out.

As I entered the house, I was greeted by two extremely angry faces. I tried to walk past them but mom Mina gripped my arm. "And where do you think you're going young lady ?"

"To my bedroom. I have homework."

"Don't lie to us Hazel." Mom Delia retorted. "Sit." She demanded as they both sat at the counter.

"We were already mad but then we received two calls today and I have to be honest with you, it drove us crazy."

I sighed because I knew what is was about, at least for the calls.

"So where do I start ?" Mom Delia said looking at mom Mina.

"Well" Mom Mina took the lead. "School called us this morning because you weren't paying attention to the lesson. And the teacher said it was not the first time, it's been like that for a week and I don't even mention your grades. Then, they called us again this afternoon because you didn't showed up to your classes. And the worst is that they saw you outside, next to the stadium with your 'friends'. Do you have any explanation for that ?"

I quickly thought of an excuse. "Um, yes. We were working on our school project, you know the one I mention before." I tried to explain.

"Don't lie to us Hazel."

"I'm not lying !" I nearly screamed.

"HEY ! Stop with this attitude ! I noticed too, you're insolent Hazel, since a while and I want you to stop." Mom Mina said sternly. "And we know you're lying, because this morning I saw you smoke with a group of students. So I know you've been skipping class to go smoke. And it makes me and mom very, very angry."

I looked down.

"Do you have anything to say ?" Mom Delia asked a bit more softly.

"Um, yes. Can I go to a party tonight ?" I said raising my eyes to look at them. They suddenly exchanged a look and started laughing nervously.

"What ?" I said joining their laugh, but they immediately stopped.

"Are you serious ? You're asking to go out, on a week's night, when we're talking to you about your bad behavior ? Is that a joke ? Tell me it's a joke Hazel." Mom Delia replied angrily.

"But I-"

"There's no but. If you don't have anything to stay for your defense, you can go to your bedroom. We'll call you when dinner is ready. Don't you dare walk out of you room until one of us say so. Understand ?"

I nodded with angry tears in my eyes and walked to my bedroom. I screamed in my pillow for few minutes until I decided, I was going to the party. They couldn't take that away from me. I dressed up and put some makeup on and packed a bag.

"Hazel ! Dinner's ready !" Mom Mina yelled from downstairs when I opened my window. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to go out from there but I needed to try.

"HAZEL ! Now !"

And I jumped. I fell on my feet but I was surprisingly fine. And I started running to my friends house. I followed the address Alex sent me and I ended up in front of Luke's house, where the group was waiting for me.

Daughter of Mina & Delia - (Sarah Paulson fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant