The Seawitch's Regret (15)

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A Land of Compromise

The sunset blazed on, the sky held a beautiful pink hue within each one.

I swam on remember the Keth's words, "Farewell then, my 21st child."

I smiled.

I saw Levy there waiting for me at the beach.

She seemed to run towards me as fast as she could among all the pain of feeling knives cut into her fins at every step.

She looked at me as if to ask where did you go?

"I said goodbye," I smiled sadly, "And I also got this back." I showed her the book.  "Just in case we need it."

She nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay we're gonna have to do something about this because you're literally not saying anything and not exactly expressing anything in any way." I exclaimed, looking proud.

She gave me a confused expression, pointed to her mouth as if to say I can't speak.

"I'll find a human and give you its voice instead!" I grinned, that will be perfect.

She instantly shook her head disagreeing.

"What?!" I exclaimed looking at her expression that was clearly telling me to not, "We don't know them besides they're just humans."

She still frowned, "Arghh! Fine." I sighed, leaning my head on her.  "Can I still do this, or does this hurt you more?" I whispered.

She shook her head, smiling.

One step, that was all it took.
One more step and we would be farther than before.

While you may feel down now in this terrible circumstance, never give up.  Try to pull yourself up and take one more step, and continue taking those one more steps.

Because if can't go on now, whose says you will ever be able to later?

Several more steps, then we rest.

"Hey Levy..." I muttered a bit out of breath, she was too.  Well more in the painful element.  "I am going to find what humans call paper and have you write on it.  But it won't be one paper, it will be a notebook full of sheets to write all your thoughts and opinions on!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Her eyes also brightened in excitement and smiled as if to say thank you.

When I calmly told her to stay there, I began trying to find some paper while I thought about certain things

Sometimes I wonder why she accepted it?  Why did she give up her voice?

I always remember back home in the sea, nobody would ever really give her a chance.

Even with me, nobody liked that we were close.

I heard they always said nasty things to her when she was just a child too.

Everything she did, everything she said, she was criticized for.

So maybe without a voice, she won't be criticized for and she can explore more of herself on who she truly is that way.

Well at least that's what I think... or always thought.

I went over to this little stand-- it has weird items, including some food that humans eat.  Among those, it had a notepad, ink, and a feather which was basically an item to write with.

I gave a person some gold coins which they admired more than anything, before heading back to Levy.

I headed back, but when I got there, around her were several people.  They were shouting and yelling at her for trespassing because apparently sleeping on the streets weren't permitted in this location.

The Seawitch's Regret: A Little Mermaid Retelling ✅Where stories live. Discover now