9. The spirit in Waterlily

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It's been a week since Wuxie had to accommodate an unusual guest in his house. Seeing how easy it is for him to enter any place, Wuxie giving him permission to stay with him came with a long set of rules.

First, his other two friends have to agree to it. Wuxie thought it will be difficult to task to explain everything and there is a high chance that Pangzi and Meng will be too scared to let him stay. Well... Wuxie was right about the first part. They were too scared. But that made them silently agree to his stay.

The second rule was about his teleportation. It was strictly prohibited and is followed by the prohibition of reading his mind. But that was a stupid rule. How does even Wuxie know whether Xiao Ge is reading his mind or not?

The fourth rule was about the room arrangement. Wuxie let Xiao ge stay in his room and he moved to Pangzi's which was bigger and had another bed set.

That was all the rules set on the first day. The next day morning another awkward incident happened. Pangzi only made breakfast for three. Wuxie also didn't think the other needed to eat.

"I thought since you're dead once, you don't need to eat like a human."

But it turned out that not only did he has all human needs, but he also wasn't exactly dead.

This wasn't good information at all, especially when Xiao ge decided to watch Wuxie 24x7. And thus, he made another rule, "You can't follow me anywhere until I personally call you. You've to promise me."

A promise was what bound him to Wuxie. Now another promise was made which he didn't like, not even a bit.

The next bomb of the day was from the office. According to Xiao ge, Aning was dead. But no matter how evil she was, Aning was his boss's daughter. Wuxie didn't have any idea on how to explain the whole thing to his boss. He was also afraid that everyone will suspect him. So, he went to the office to see how his boss handled Aning's missing. And...

His boss was the same. He was in his office doing the morning routine checking on files. What the hell? I thought he will be sad, tense at least. Or... he didn't know about it yet.

That's how Wuxie mustered courage and talked to his boss.

"Wuxie? What is it?"

"Nothing. Nothing... I was just... ahem... Boss, how is- How is Aning?"



"Who is Aning?"


It hit him harder than a tempo van. It turned out to be... His boss never adopted a girl. He only has two daughters, his own blood. And not only that. The entire staff doesn't know anything about Aning. It was like, Aning was only Wuxie's imagination. Wuxie was on verge of going insane when Pangzi and Wang Meng found him.

"Wuxie... I know Aning. Wang Meng too. So, she was real. But there is something wrong. I can't remember anything about her."

The answer to it wasn't even with Xiao ge. This led to Wuxie keeping his distance from him for the entire week. All these mysteries, it was too much for him to take. But Wuxie wasn't ready to let it go. He needs answers. There is no giving up on that. And the only way was to remember who the hell Xiao ge was. But for a week he could only recall the scene he saw in that magic portal. Nothing before. Nothing after.

And a week passed like that.




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