5. The magic portal

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Wuxie couldn't believe it. "How the hell you are here? Did you follow me?" Wuxie was worried. If Aning got trapped here because of him, or worst if something happens to her, Wuxie would never be able to forgive himself.

He walked fast to Aning who ran to him. "Wuxie gege." Aning was panting. She looked terrified. Wuxie held her hands which were ice cold and trembling. Wuxie can understand her fear. She is just a child. All of these can be too much for her to take. Wuxie didn't even know how to console her. Wuxie creased her palm trying to calm her down.

"Wuxie gege. Let's get out of here. It's dangerous here. Let's go." Aning said hurriedly as he pulled Wuxie.

But Wuxie... He looked back at that door. He heard it again. His name being called. Wuxie halted and removed Aning's hand from his. Aning was surprised. "I can't now. I need to do something first. You stay behind me okay. I'll protect you." Wuxie explained. But Aning wasn't having any of it.

"No!!! You can't stay here. Open your eyes and look around. This is not an escape room. Nor we are playing a game. We have to go." Aning was agitated by how Wuxie reacted. She pulled Wuxie again making him stumble. Wuxie once again removed her hand from him and this time he held it.

"I know... I know. And I said I'll protect you. I just need to see what's behind that door. That's it. Nothing will happen to you." Wuxie explained again trying to calm her. He has come this far, and to let this opportunity go? Wuxie was no fool.

He turned around and was about to push open the door when Aning stood before the door. Wuxie looked at Aning who was furious. It was understandable but it wasn't a moment Wuxie had to bear her stubbornness. His anger was ready to burst out. But once again, calming himself he tried to talk to Aning.


"No! You can't talk me into it. I'm saying this for the safety of your own. Shut it and come with me."

Wuxie was taken back by the tone Aning just spoke to him. It wasn't that 18-year-old kid who kept pestering him. She sounded more mature and commanding. Wuxie chuckled nervously for lack of words.

"You- Is this how you talk to elders? Uh, leave it. You don't understand. You are just a child." Wuxie said as he tried to push away Aning. But not only he was able to even move her a bit, Aning pushed Wuxie making a fall on his butt. Wuxie felt the power of an elephant. It was impossible he didn't notice Aning was this strong. Or...

"You!? You are not Aning, right?"

Wuxie asked smugly as if he found out some grave truth. But Aning's complexion didn't change. She advanced towards Wuxie and crouched down before him. "You fool."


"You are a fool. We are not staying here for another second. I'm taking you out."

Aning looked straight into Wuxie's eye and they turned into green color. Wuxie gasped at the scene before him. And he saw Aning lift her hands which now had very long nails as if it's going to pierce into his heart. Wuxie's breath twitched. But unlike all other times, right now Wuxie didn't want to die. He needs to see what has been calling him from the other side. Wuxie didn't waste any seconds. He pushed down Aning with all his force and ran backward, away from the door.

Aning tumbled down but she didn't take much time to recover. She stood up in a swift as she screamed Wuxie's name. She was wearing black leggings with a red top and a black leather jacket. It was the typical Aning's style. But as she stood up, she flicked her hands making her appearance change into a black robe with green embroideries. Her eyes glowed green as she hissed in wrath. Wuxie was running for his life and was already out of her sight. She followed Wuxie out of the corridor.

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