3. The days without nightmares

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Weeks passed. Wuxie never had a nightmare again. It was a strange feeling, what Wuxie was having about it. For years he had done everything he could to get rid of those creepy dreams that robbed his peaceful sleep and now that it's gone, Wuxie still couldn't sleep peacefully.

"I guess my life is cursed Pangzi." Wuxie said once when he was with the elder alone. For what's worth Wuxie had learned to live hiding all these troubles. He went to work with Pangzi just like every day, he helped wang meng with his studies and for his class, he doesn't need to be in college all the time as he is about graduate. Their life ran smoothly. And little by little Wuxie stopped worrying about why he is not having any nightmares and most importantly why he started having nightmares in the first place.

One afternoon, all three of them were having a tea break on the balcony while chit-chatting about normal stuffs. Then breaking the flow Wuxie got a phone call. He picked it up and read the caller's name on the screen. Wuxie was never a guy who liked phone calls. But he may never hate someone calling him as he got called right now. He groaned irritably.

Pangzi could easily guess who was it by Wuxie's reaction. He leaned back on the metal chair with a cocky smile enjoying the scene to its max. Wuxie glared at the elder and slide his phone to him on the table. "No excuse. You're gonna help me." Wuxie said firmly.

For Pangzi it was a chance. He picked up the phone which was still ringing and said "Help? Yeah, sure... anything for my boy. So, what should I say... that Wuxie is eagerly waiting for you... or that-"

"You better bury me alive." Wuxie who wasn't interested in Pangzi's play snatched the phone in a flash and shoved it to wang meng who also was enjoying it... But only secretly. For him, Boss is boss.

"Wang Meng. You answer it."

"Me!?" Wang meng picked up the phone half-heartedly. He is always happy to help Wuxie. But right now, what he was about to do is putting his head into a snake's mouth. Wang meng answered the phone hesitantly on the sixth or seventh ring.


"Where is Wuxie?"

"Oh! Aning... Boss is not here." Wang meng looked at Wuxie to take hints on what to answer. Wuxie in some strange actions signaled something, which God knows wang meng understood or not. But he did reply to Aning, the girl who was on the other end of the phone. "He...he went outside."

"Without his phone?"

"Umm... Yes. Boss forget it. Boss was charging it and Boss forget to take it."

"Then... Tell him that I called. And tell him to call me back. It's important."

"Okay. I will. Bye- Uh? She hung up."

Wuxie sighed big when he heard wang meng say he hung up. But that only made Pangzi break into laughter which he was trying to hold up for all this time.

"Laugh. Laugh... you can laugh at me. But don't forget this is all because of you and I'm taking her bullshit all for you. When I can't take it anymore... Trust me on this Pangzi. I'll quit. Then let's see who will be laughing." Wuxie was all serious when he retorted. And Pangzi could see he wasn't lying at all.

Aning is their boss's daughter. Not his biological daughter, whom he has two. He took in Aning two years ago, when she was 15. It was strange. A man who already has two teenage daughters adopted another one in her teenage age too. It was a hot topic in their office at that time.

"I couldn't leave her in that mess. Poverty. Her mother died. Father is a drunkard who abuses her. Poor girl, how can she survive in such a state?" was the reasoning they got from the boss. Now that was even more strange.

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