10. The little one

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In somewhere unknown, a woman dragged herself through the barely visible path through the woods. Her body was covered in blood, her own blood, dripping through the torn gown she wore. Finally reaching her destination, her legs gave up, and she fell on the stairs down to a cave that was hidden in the deep forest. She was still conscious and stubborn to let her weariness take over. Hearing the sound, the two men- a lit bit advanced than cave people but still not caught up with the modern people- ran to her.

"18 years..." She voiced to the two who crouched down beside her in a barely audible tone. "It took me 18 years to prepare this mortal body. I can't- Ah! – I can't give up on this. Take- Take me to Alicia."

"Yes, Queen mother."

They followed her order exactly. The women- their queen mother, or as her name now, Aning- finally gave in to the pain and fell unconscious in the arms of those men.




Wuxie had already forgotten about Aning. Her name didn't come into any discussion. The main reason was that he had greater things to worry about. Especially today.

After meeting Xiao Hua, a friendly spirit who said he'll help him remember his past life, Wuxie was eager for the day to end. He rushed home soon after Xiao Hua said goodbye.

As always, he was welcomed by a worried face, which Wuxie's heart believed not his eyes.


Wuxie greeted, and he gets the reply in the form of a nod. He took his shoes off and put them neatly in the shoe rack; a habit he developed just a week ago. Wuxie didn't have any logical explanation for it. He just wanted to be perfect in front of the other... KYLIN!

"Hi, Kylin." Wuxie said with a smirk fixing his eyes on the other.

Kylin walked towards Wuxie as he heard it, but his face was still the same. Impassive.

"You met Xiao Hua?" He said as he stood only a feet distance from Wuxie.

Wuxie was towered by the other man making him look up with his flustered face. Then it occurred to him. Looks like Xiao Hua came to see me without his knowledge. Wuxie saw it as an opportunity to test the other.

"Who's Xiao Hua?" Wuxie asked faking confusion. If Kylin is still reading his mind, then he'll know the truth. But if not, Kylin will believe what Wuxie says. That's what Wuxie thought.

"You met him."

"How do you know about the people I meet? Did you secretly follow me?"


"Then you still read my mind."


"Then how the heck you know about it?"

"You smell."


Wuxie was clearly offended. Unconsciously he even smelt himself and pouted like a five-year-old. But he wasn't stinking. At all.

"I'm not stinking. How can you-"

Wuxie couldn't finish whatever he wanted to say. He just ignored the other and walked towards the couch. Plopping onto it, Wuxie was still pouting, offended to the core.

"I said you smell. His smell."

"What the hell! That's more offensive... Wait!" Wuxie smelled him again by lifting his shirt by the collar.

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