8. The great escape

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"Can you drive a bit faster?" Pangzi yelled at Wang Meng.

He was driving fast already, but for them, it felt like an eternity. Pangzi and Wang Meng both were panicking. They tried to call Wuxie, they tried texting Wuxie... But nothing went through. Now the only option was to put aside their fear and go to the rescue of their friend.

Rushing through highways and then the streets, finally they reached the mansion. The sun hadn't set yet but they could feel as they were near the bungalow, darkness was creeping through the sky.

"What the hell is happening?" Pangzi wondered and suddenly with a loud screech, their car stopped. It was wang meng who pushed down the break making them bend forward and almost hit their head. If circumstances were different, Pnagzi may have already filled Wang Meng's ears with curse words. But their attention was fixated on something else out there.

Their car was in the middle of the road just in front of the bungalow they came for inspection but...

"Please tell me you're seeing what I am seeing." Wang Meng voiced with shivers. His grip on the stirring becomes tight.

"Depends..." Pangzi said swallowing his saliva that long dried away. "Red clouds... Black sky... that ghost bungalow... bat that is bigger than me." Pangzi named each creepy thing he was seeing right now.


"And... A fu**ing large fortress that wasn't there just a week before!!??"

Pangzi and Wang Meng simultaneously put their hand inside their mouth, biting them hard to suppress their scream.




[Now... Confess.

Who all forgot about these two sweeties?]




While pangzi and Wang Meng were traumatized, Wuxie ran outside. Without stopping, without even knowing where he was going, Wuxie ran. He felt deceived. He felt used. He only met that man a while ago still he felt betrayed. The throbbing pain in his heart was indescribable.

Wuxie ran through the dark corridor for a while and he finally ended up in the big hall. Wuxie was panting as he stopped to catch his breath. He hastily looked around to see if those creatures were following him or not. There wasn't anything. When he realized that, Wuxie was relieved and surprisingly disappointed.

He was relieved that Aning or any other ghouls weren't chasing him. But He didn't see Xiao ge too. "So, you only needed me to open that coffin for you. I really hope you go back there. Arghh..."

Wuxie stomped in frustration. He then stormed towards the giant door which was closed now.

Meanwhile, Wuxie was trying to escape, and the two supernatural beings in the house were busy sparring. Who wanted to chase Wuxie and who was trying to stop, was not able to recognize right now. Both were fighting equally.

They weren't using any weapons but their magic was enough to attack and defend both of them. Aning shoots a green ball of fire toward Xiao ge who dodges it easily. And in return, he shot a golden flame which Aning also managed to dodge.

"Hahaha..." She laughed evilly.

"You know you can't kill me. So, stop trying." Aning voiced provokingly.

It wasn't some empty words that were used to break her opponent's will. It was true. It is impossible to kill Aning. He knew it. But little did Aning know, that killing wasn't his plan at all. Seeing how Aning's guard was down he chanted a spell and with a deafening screech hundreds of ghouls flew into the room covering Aning.

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