2. The light in the nightmare

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Wuxie was sitting on the living room couch watching TV. He had a thick greenish blanket wrapped around him and kept munching the chips one after another. Pangzi who woke up after a round of sleep yelled seeing Wuxie like that.

"Why the hell are you not sleeping yet? It's 2 in the morning."

Wuxie who was completely immersed in the show or pretended to be, groaned when he was yelled at. "I'm not sleepy... And this show is very good. Let me finish it first. You go back to sleep."

Wuxie shooed away pangzi. Even though he successfully did it, Wuxie was lying. Every single word. Wuxie was sleepy and the show was not to his interest at all. He only sat there watching it because he didn't want to sleep. Or more frankly, afraid to sleep.

The plan was to not sleep at all. Even though Wuxie was already used to the nightmare and the repeating content. It was the events in the bungalow that shook him again. He already had enough creepy content for today. So the only option before him was to pass sleeping for this night at least.

But the dark cloud that he had on his head for his entire life will never leave him alone. It already started to act up. Wuxie couldn't keep his eyes open anymore... Slowly he drifted into the sleep he had tried to avoid.

At some point in time, Wuxie started to see it. The same darkness, the same feeling.

"Here I am, again." 

Just like every day Wuxie tried to see anything he could in the dark. And just like every day, it was his wishful thinking only. Once again, he was tied up with an invisible force to the ground with only darkness around him. The usual events occurred in the exact order. First, he started listening to the creepy sounds around him and soon that thing lurked around him and started to creep around his body, winding up and crushing his bones.

Wuxie wakes up when it reaches his neck suffocating him. But today... He didn't.

Wuxie trembled in fear and suddenly he felt as if the suffocation he feeling was real. He was trapped in the dark place for real this time. Wuxie tried to grab whatever was on him but he couldn't feel anything. The next and last resort was to scream even though he knew any sound would not come from him and also no one would come here to help him.

"I am gonna die this time." That's only Wuxie thought as he was choked. Every second pass felt like an eternity but closer to death. 

He tried to scream... 

He tried to run... 

But everything was in vain. Wuxie accepted his ill fate. If what this time he feels is real, he is ready to die. He took a deep breath preparing himself to welcome the angel of death who would take him on the journey to the other side of the world. 

But then... something unexpected happened. Like a meteor, a giant ball of light stormed towards him making Wuxie shut his eyes tight. It was painful as Wuxie had been in the dark for so long. He groaned when he couldn't use his hands to cover his eyes to lessen the bright light filtering into his eyes.  

And then...Suddenly he felt his airways open as the grip around his body loosened. Whatever wound him up was pulled out of his with force. Wuxie loudly gasped for air and when he opened his eyes with much difficulty...he was stunned.

The place Wuxie was sitting was now fully lit up. Darkness was nowhere to be seen. He looked down around his creasing the green grass that was still wet by the morning dew. He got up easily this time. Wuxie was speechless seeing how things have changed. He circled to see the greenery around him. It was new and he felt alive.  Around him, it was a vast green land where heavenly beautiful flowers were growing. The plants, bushes, and grass all were something Wuxie had never seen in his life. He ran towards each of them checking if they were real or not. He creased the petals, he smelled them...

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