Chapter V

366 11 4

6:36AM, Reyna is.. acting weird.

"Hello? Reyna?" Jett says as Reyna stares at the blackboard. This is the first time Reyna was so silent, Something is off with her.

"Gosh.. What did that Sage do to you.." Jett says. Phoenix then got tired of them trying to shake Reyna back to reality.


"Snap out of it mate!" Phoenix slaps the back of Reyna's head. Reyna finally stopped staring at the blackboard. Reyna rubbed the back of her head.

"Oww.." Reyna whimpered, Jett then pats Reyna in the head, Surprisingly, Reyna didnt object.

"What happened man? You're acting SUPER weird." Jett asks Reyna, worried. 

"Yeah! Something wrong?" Phoenix sits on the floor, facing Reyna.

"Sage.." Reyna lies her head on her armchair, Jett and Phoenix looked at each other.

"What do you mean by that? Did something happen yesterday?" Phoenix pats the back of Reyna.

"*Sigh*..You guys know Yoru, Right?" Jett and Phoenix nods.

"Of course we do know about Yoru, You've told us about him for like.. A hundred times now." Jett says. Reyna sighs deeply.

"Sage.. She uhh.." Reyna turns around at Sage, Sage was staring at Reyna deeply as Reyna tells Jett and Phoenix what happened.

"She umm.." Jett and Phoenix was waiting for Reyna to finish her sentence.

"What did she do?" Phoenix asks, Worried. 

"She.." Reyna does hand gestures that tells them what Sage did to Yoru. Jett and Phoenix's jaw dropped.

"EXCUSE ME WHAT?" Jett says then covers her mouth.

"YORU..? NAH MATE NAH.. YOU'RE LYING RIGHT?" Phoenix says in shock.

"HEHEH..I wish i was.." Jett and Phoenix stared at Reyna, shocked by what Reyna has said to them.


"Yeah he's fine!.. except for his left arm..?" Reyna nervously chuckled. Jett and Phoenix slowly turned to each other.

"Yep?" Phoenix says out of nowhere.

"Yep. Reyna, PLEASE be careful around Sage." Jett said in a serious voice. Before Reyna could answer, Someone hugs Reyna in the back and rests their head on Reyna's shoulder.


"Oh? Why should she becareful of me?" Sage says in an evil, calm voice.

"Uhmm.." Jett looks at Phoenix then nervously rubs the back of her neck.

"Can't answer? Hmm.. You tell me Reyna, why should you becareful of me?" Reyna looks at Sage who was currently resting her head on Reyna's shoulder.

"W-Well.. Because you.. Er.. Uhm.." Reyna was speechless. Sage stared at Reyna deeply, Reyna could feel Sage staring at her, Making her very nervous

"Because you--"

"Hey Sage!" Neon approaches the four of them. Sage looks at Neon.

"Woah, What is going on in here?" Raze smirked, teasing Reyna and Sage. Sage chuckled and lets go of Reyna

"Oh nothing~ Just hugging a friend!" Sage then walks towards Neon and Raze.

"Like hell that was just a friend hug! Damn, Sage! Third day of school and you already got someone to go lovey dovey with, wow." Neon smugged on Sage. Sage giggles lightly.

Perfect.. Pair? ( A Reyge High School AU )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя