"Umm. Did you just judge me? Am I not good enough for the dark lord?" I squint.

"Miss. Blue," Dumbledore warns.

"Fine. I can do wandless magic," I groan.


"I can also make spells, that only I can use," I add.

"You can cast a patronous?" Dumbledore asks.

"The entire first month of my dueling club last year says yes," I answer.

"Do it then," Snape drawls.

"Expecto Patronum," I cast almost bored.

There was no reason to hide my skill here. A silver Phoenix flies gracefully out of my wand. It circles around Dumbledore's phoenix and lands on my arm.

"What memory do you use to summon such a patronous?" Dumbledore peers at my patronous.

"Yesturday actually," I chuckle, "Making it out of the maze."

Snape laughs, "that will not be lasting long."

"It'll last longer than whatever de-greaser you use on your hair," I snap.

"Severous will be the person you talk to weekly now," Dumbledore cuts.

"Severous is highly gifted in Occulmency and even he does not have the dark lords full trust," Dumbledore says.

"Snape will refine your occulmency, just in case."

"Let me talk to McGonagall," I grit.

"About your little prisoner of war I assume?" Dumbledore looks at me above his spectacles.

"No duh."

"Go to Severous's classroom after. Minerva is in her classroom," Dumbledore says.

Snape grunts and I leave before him. I walk out Dumbledore's office in a huff.

"McGonagall? I need to talk to you," I knock on the door.

"What about," Sirius opens the door smirking.

"Oh great. It's you," I roll my eyes and shove past him.

"So you went through all that trouble to turn in Pettigrew and clear my name just so you could shove past me?" Sirius laughs.

"I take that it worked?" I ask McGonagall.

"It did Miss. Blue," she nods.

"Meet your new defense against the dark arts teacher," Sirius smiles.

"You aren't Sirius. Get it cause you are literally named serious," I laugh at my joke.

"...You have your father's humor," Sirius frowns at my joke.

"Mr. Black is not the new Defense against dark arts teacher," McGonagall says.

"I will be staying at Hogwarts for now though, while my assets get sorted," he smiles.

"What about that house by-" I start.

"You mean the secret house."

"Oh. no."

An owl flies through the window. McGonagall grabs the letter.

"Looks like Snape has called for you. He's quite annoyed," McGonagall says.

"Good," I raise a brow as if it was not only natural for him to be annoyed but that was my intention.

"What does Severous want with you," Sirius sneers.

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