Chapter 7 * The Dance

Start from the beginning

"Here you go, my love."

Did William call me his love? I attempt to remain calm. "Thank you, Babe."

We sip the punch, and he takes my hand. I know he's not a fan of fast dancing, so we watch the other students rock out while waiting for the DJ to play a slow song. Chris and Diana join the dancing crowd.

As we wait, William pulls me to the front of him, placing my back against his chest. He wraps me up in his arms, and we sway to the beat of the music. I feel him breathe in the scent of my hair.

"You smell incredible."

I turn and smile up at him. "So do you; I love your cologne."

William leans close to murmurs into my ear, "You know, you're much better in real life than in my dreams. Wow! Babe, your dress is stunning!"

He gently glides his rough fingertips across my bare stomach. Immediately, my skin prickles with goosebumps.

I lean back and kiss him on his warm, freshly shaven cheek. "Thank you."

Finally, a slow song comes on. Just Between You and Me, by April Wine. William leads me to the dance floor for our first dance, and we move together in perfect harmony. I'm in heaven as he holds me tightly while singing the lyrics in his smooth, baritone voice that only I can hear.

Just between you and me
Baby, I know our love will be
Just between you and me
Always I know our love will be
Just between you
Just between you and me

"You're gorgeous," he declares.

"You're incredibly observant," I quip.

We laugh, unaware of a particular pair of eyes watching William's and my every move from across the gym, biding her time, waiting for her opportunity to get William alone.

After our dance ends and the tempo of the music begins to speed up, I excuse myself and go to the ladies' room.

I watch Nicole walk away from me and feel my heart swell

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I watch Nicole walk away from me and feel my heart swell. This girl has stolen my heart. Who am I kidding? I gladly gave it to her.

My thoughts are interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see Tessa standing there.

"Hey, Tessa." I look around. "Where's Ken?"

She grimaces and rolls her eyes before replying, "Ken's boring as hell."

I glance back in the direction where Nicole disappeared moments ago.

"What do you see in her?"

I snap my head back to Tessa. "What?"

She crosses her arms as her face twists in disgust.

"I don't understand why you're with HER. What does she have that I don't? Why her and not me?" she spits out with venom.

First Love, Forever Love | 🥇 2023 Amby WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now