Chapter 4 * The Boundary

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What the hell was that? Something slimy and gross touched my foot

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What the hell was that? Something slimy and gross touched my foot. Startled, I jumped and landed in the lake, sinking quickly in the dark, murky water having no idea what direction to swim. Since I didn't get to take a full breath, I'm quickly running out and start to panic. That's when I feel a strong hand wrap around my arm, pulling me to the surface.

"Nicole, are you okay? What the hell just happened? You were here one minute and gone the next."

William rushes his words, and I struggle to understand what he's saying.

His voice raises with worry. "Nicole?"

I suck in a much-needed breath. "I'm okay, William. I'm just having a hard time catching my breath."

He helps me onto the pier. I'm trying to slow down my breathing to keep myself from hyperventilating.

William looks at me with concern. "What happened?"

I start to chuckle at my stupidity. "I feel so ridiculous. Something disgusting touched my foot, and when I reacted, I fell into the water."

William's eyes are still wide in shock. "You scared the shit out of me."

"I scared the shit out of myself," I say with a shaky laugh.

William stands up and extends his hand to me, I take it, and he helps me up. "I have a blanket in my car. Can you make it there, or do you need more time to recover?"

I smile weakly, "I think I'm good."

We stroll up to the car; William's arm never leaves my waist.

When we get to the car, he wraps me up in the blanket he retrieved from the backseat and helps me settle into the passenger seat. Getting into the driver's side, William draws me into his arms. I start to warm up immediately; I'm not sure if it's the blanket or the warmth of his body as he holds me tightly.

After a few minutes, William starts his car and looks at the dashboard clock. It's 11:45. "I better get you home."

I nod in agreement. "I must look like a drowned rat! I'm so embarrassed! Sorry for ruining the end of our date."

He flashes me an adorable grin. "You look cute soaking wet. You didn't ruin anything. It was the best first date ever, and it'll go down as my most memorable one."

William has me home with five minutes to spare. The house is dark except for the porch light and the living room lamp my mom left on for me.

William gets out and opens my door. He pulls the blanket over my shoulders and escorts me to the door.

"Do you mind if I hold onto your blanket? I want to wash it before I return it to you."

He leans in and gives me another mind-blowing kiss. "I don't mind at all. Good night, Beautiful."

First Love, Forever Love | 🥇 2023 Amby WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now