Chapter Three * The Date

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The first week of school went by quicker than I anticipated. William asked for my phone number earlier in the week to text me details about tonight. He didn't write my number down, so I thought he would surely forget it. To my surprise, he texted me Friday afternoon.

Hey! I get off work at 6:30. Can you be ready for me to pick you up at 7:00 for the 7:30 showing?

I quickly respond.

Sounds good. I can't wait! I'm so excited!

I anxiously wait for the bubbles to disappear.

To see me or the movie?

I giggle.

Both! 😉

His final text brings a smile to my face.

I'm looking forward to it, too. I have to get back to work. See you at 7!

There are only a few hours to get myself ready. I'm going to get a shower and then figure out what to wear.

After drying off and wrapping a towel around my head, I go to my closet and choose a powder pink lightweight sweater with three-quarter sleeves and a baby blue corduroy skirt that matches the blue swish on my Nikes. It's a perfect first-date outfit. After finishing my makeup and hair, I head downstairs and see my mom in the living room.

"Hey, Mom."

She looks up at me from her book. "Hi, Sweetheart. You look adorable!"

I glance down at my outfit. "Thanks! Are you sure you don't mind me leaving you tonight because Dad's out of town, and you'll be home alone?"

She shakes her head. "I don't mind at all. I'm just happy sitting here having a quiet evening reading my book," my mom explains when we hear a knock on the door.

I rush to open the door and find William looking like a god in fitted jeans and a tight black v-neck tee shirt.

He waggles his eyebrows and smirks before taking in the sight of me. "Hey, beautiful! You look amazing! Ready to go?"

"Yes, I'm ready, thank you." I unashamedly give him a once-over.  "You look pretty amazing yourself! Do we have a minute for you to meet my mom?"

He nods. "Sure. Lead the way."

I show William to the living room. My mom puts down her book and stands up to greet him.

"Mom, this is William Hammond. William, this is my mom Louise."

William accepts my mom's extended hand. "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Myers."

"It's nice to meet you as well. Please call me Louise," she responds with a smile.

I subtly place my hand on William's arm. "Well, I guess we should get going."

His eyes flash to mine before looking back to my mom. "Thank you for letting me steal your daughter away tonight."

She beams and says, "My pleasure. You two enjoy yourselves. Please have her home by midnight."

William nods. "Will do."

I give her a quick hug. "Bye, Mom."

She kisses my cheek. "Bye, Honey, have fun."

We arrive at the theater with time to spare. William buys us popcorn to share and a couple of sodas. We find our seats and dig into the popcorn.

The movie was fantastic. William had his arm over my shoulders the entire time, and I practically jumped into his lap at all the scary parts. Every time he looked at me and smiled, I melted and looked forward to the scary parts. Lucky for me, there were a lot.

First Love, Forever Love | 🥇 2023 Amby WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now