Waverly's throat constricted as she stared into Phyllis's expectant eyes and that of all her friends.

"Where did you hear that?" She asked.

"Those nosey spirits have been spreading gossip about it." Grace offered. "I told them to shut it until wese heard it straight from youse first."

Waverly stole an inconspicuous glance at Cassiope who seemed to have melted into herself whilst nervously biting her lip. It was a marvel that the flower spirit had found the time to spread the news so fast but then again, it was impossible for nature spirits to keep secrets. It made Waverly wonder just how many people had heard the so-called rumor. Her insides squirmed uncomfortably.

"I. . ." She began, testing her arsenal of words. She wanted to fabricate a story but a part of her felt very exhausted with making up lies. She was tired of hiding who she was. Whatever would happen, should happen. Besides, she had stomached the worst of situations before.

"Yes, i did them. It was me." She sighed in defeat.

A bout of gasps filled the room and Waverly did not know exactly how to translate the feelings they represented.

"Really?" Regent asked with a stunned look on his face. "I was kinda hoping it was just gossip."

"It is not gossip." Waverly shook her head dejectedly. She looked up meekly. "Do you all hate me now?"

"Hate you?" Phyllis asked, bewildered.

"We do not hate youse. Why would youse think that?" Grace said.

"Because i'm. . ." Waverly began.

"Zanaan." Regent completed then broke into a short laugh. "You're still living in the past if you think that we hate god's blood."

"Listen," Phyllis began. She also had a soft smile on her face. "People who hate your kind either have some personal feud with them or are really jealous of them. We're neither. It's really exciting and an honor to know that we've had a daughter of Selene among us for almost a year."

"We're sorry if we made you feel like you didn't belong with us at some point." Ceylon said.

"Youse the only one that made herse feel that way." Grace suddenly fired.

"Me?" Ceylon asked disbelievingly. "I did nothing."

"Exactly." Grace retorted. "Youse done nothing to be herse good friend."

"Alright. It's alright." Waverly said, feeling a bit relieved. "I am only very glad that you're all okay."

Phyllis gave Waverly a small hug. "We are glad that you're okay too. You saved a large number of us last night. The dark army has obviously upped their game and if you weren't here, our race would've been completely obliterated in one night along with all those innocent refugees who found safety with us. The thought alone is soul jarring and negatively stunning."

Regent came to sit on Waverly's other side. He looked tired. "They now come in great numbers all at once in different parts of the realm. They are hoping to crush our defenses totally. Sir Chedor told me they have even opted to using all kinds of magical means. That boy, the one who broke the border - he's long reversed the curse Juniper placed on the earth."

Grace frowned. "I wonder how hese so powerful. I wonder who hese is because hese only showed up twice now but hese done so much disaster both times. I am sure hese probably their leader."

Waverly gulped nervously. "What are the plans now?"

"Sir Chedor says our King is planning an assault. A great one." Regent explained.

The Night's Curse #3 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now