The beginning of the end

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains extreme violence and torture scenes ⚠️

" For  fuck sake put me down"  Lou yells out which I pay no attention to as I continue to walk with Lou in my arms.
" Harry I am serious, put me down" He saids again hitting my chest with his one good hand.
" ENOUGH" I say in a raised voice which makes him stop instantly, I didn't want to raise my voice but Lou has just pushed me to far today.
Lou has been struggling the last few days having to rely on other people for everything he needs, with his arm and leg both in plaster , it has been a bit of an adjustment.
I glance down onto his face and and see the pout I expected to see , and hear him  huffed out in irritation I have a little chuckle to myself because he can't cross his arms which is his usually form they take when he is annoyed or pissed off.
We finally arrive at our destination which is Lou's art  studio I enter the door and  his pout quickly disappears and a smile lights up his face as I place him onto the chair in front of his art easel.
" Now  did I not tell you would like where I was taking you baby" I say meeting his eyes.
I see a  faint flush of pink on his checks from embarrassment as he puts his head down.
"Hey" I say to him putting my finger under his chin to bring his eyes back up to  meet mine.
"I'm sorry" he whispers.
I place a kiss onto his lips.
" Now I thought you might enjoy a bit of time in here, I am right" I say smiling into Lou's eyes.
" Yes Hazza, I have missed this so much" he turn towards his art easel picking up a pencil.
" Ok baby, I am going to leave you here for a bit of time to enjoy yourself" I say placing his phone down next to him.
" I have work to attend to, so if you need anything just call and I will come straight away".
" Ok Haz and thank you".
" You are welcome , I will be back soon" I kiss the top of his head and move out of the room walking quickly along the hall and down the stairs to my office.
" Right  are we ready?" I say to Zayn and Niall who are standing waiting in the room, they each nod their heads at me and we walk down the stair through the kitchen and down the stairs leading to the basement, inside we are meet with two faces of Jonny and Jeff , being the man that thought he could buy my Lou's body for his own sexual pleasures.
" Gentlemen, how are you enjoy each other's company? , you must have had lots to talk about?".
" Fuck you Styles" Jonny yells at me spitting, I turn to Zayn and Niall who are both smirking.
" You  shouldn't have done that mate" Niall laughter fills the room.
" And fuck you to" Jonny yells at Niall spitting in his direction.
" Oh you will definitely regret that" his voice coming out like a throaty growl.
I am walking back and forth in front of the two men thinking who is going to reap the benefits of my Anger.
I stop in front of the Jonny.
" Tell  me why? why do you hate Lou so much when he is your brother?" I ask seeking answers.
" Don't  call that fucking fag my brother, he is not my brother , he is nothing but a fucking whore".
Before he even finishes the sentence, I swing my fist connecting it  with his face.
" No one calls my husband a whore" I yell into his face, I swing  my fist again and again until I feel a slight release from the angry that has built up inside  of me.
I pick up a bat slamming it into his body keeping in mind every place he had touched Lou, screams mixed with bones breaking bringing me such satisfaction.
I stand back and take in the damage I have created feel a small bit of anger diminish before I move onto the other guy who is trying to make himself as small as possible even though he is tied to a chair.
" Jeff, my husband is suffering because of you and I can't say I am very happy about the whole situation, do you have anything to say?".
" I am sorry Sir, I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was your husband, please sir, I beg you please Sir , I am sorry " he is trying to deflect my anger.
" But  the question here is Jeff , you wouldn't have done it if you had known it was my husband, but you would have done it if It wasn't, enlighten me because that was it sounds like to me?".
" No Sir , I wouldn't have done it to anyone".
" I find that hard to believe Jeff, seeing you were in the basement with all the other men and you were the highest bidder,to me it seems like this is a thing you seem to do often".
" No sir , I don't"
I turn to to look at Zayn and Niall.
" Do you think he is telling the truth?" I say to them amused.
" No boss , I don't think so".
I nod my head at them and step back so they can move closer to him.
Zayn runs the blade of a knife down the side of his face stopping at his cheek bone  and sliced it open, blood immediately starts  gushing making a river of blood down his body, Niall steps forward as Zayn steps back bring forth a pair of sharp pliers and attaches them to his nipple and squeezes hard as the room is filled with agonising screams as Niall slices his nipple off.
I turn to look at Jonny who has now lifted his head.
" Jeff you can thank everything  that we are about to do to you to this man over here, I bet you regret ever having meet him".
I walk over to the wall and Lift of a large hunting knife with a gold handle which weighs heavy in my hands, bringing it over to stand in front of Jeff.
" See Jeff , my problem with you is what you thought you could do to my husband, no body touches my husband and lives , you wanted to hurt what was mine, you threaten what is  mine and I don't take kindly to that"  I say  as I run the sharp blade down his body until I bring  it to rest just above his small limp cock, I bring back the blade in a swift motion and slice straight across it , I feel  blood spurt over my body as I watch his cock fall to the ground.
" You  will never touch another boy ever again".I scream in his face.
I walk over to Jonny running my knife down his body , I can see he is actually frighten which makes me smile.
I pull back the blade and stab him in his side in the exact some places he had first stabbed Lou.
" Now  let me remember, you stabbed Lou here, and here and here , am I right , you have nothing to say" I say as I follow the pattern which he had  inflicted on Lou, pushing the knife in much further than qhe had , his moans  and screams are satisfying to my ears .
I watch as the blood slowly starts to seep out of his body and onto the floor leaving a giant pool , I step back as it reaches my shoes and watch as his body starts to lose life.
I turn to Zayn and Niall .
" Let's  leave them and come back and check on them latter , I don't want to leave Lou alone for too long, if they aren't dead now they soon will be" I say as I pick up my phone.
I scan my eyes over the phone and see 10 miss calls from Lou , fuck Lou, I hadn't heard the call over the noise of us torturing Jonny and Jeff
" Fuck Lou" I turn to Zayn and  Niall.
" I missed 10 calls"
I turn to run when I feel Zayn's hand on my arm.
" Boss, you should change".
I look down my body to see my clothes splattered with blood , I don't have time , I turn and run to the art studio, as I stop in the door ways I see Lou laying on the ground in tears his hands tangled in Clifford fur.
" Baby" I say dropping beside him.
" You  said you would come when I called, I called Harry, I called and you didn't come" he yells through his tears.
" Baby I am here,  now are you hurt?" I run my eyes down his body looking for injuries.
" It's toonlate now"  he screamed and  dissolved into tears again.
" Lou help me out here , why are you so upset if you are not hurt?".
" Because I pissed my fucking pants".
He puts his head down again hiding himself from me , it's in that moment that I see the puddle that Lou is laying in.
" Lou, baby come on let's get you cleaned up" I say moving next to him.
" No , just fucking leave me alone"his face is screwed up in anger.
I sigh in frustration as I lean down and put my arms under Lou and lift him up.
" Put me down" He starts screaming at me thrashing in my arms.
" Lou, let's get you cleaned up" I say walking down the hall,  I see Liam rushing up the stairs.
" Is everything all right?, I can hear Lou  screaming from down there".
" He is ok, we are just going to get cleaned up" I say nodding to Liam who lets us go through to our room.
I walk into our bathroom and sit Lou on the vanity , as I step back I see the look on his face which turns to pure Terror and he lets out a  high pitch scream, as he puts his hands over his face.
" NO NO NO" He screams , I look down and realise That I am still wearing the blood splattered clothes.
I quickly strip down to my boxes and stand in front of him.
" Lou , baby , it's ok it's gone now, baby look at me" I place my hands onto his and I pull his hands down,his face is scrunched , his eyes tightly squeeze shut.
I lean and wrap my arms around him and pull him in, he doesn't resist , his head settles on my shoulder,  as I bring my other hand up rubbing his back.
I stand there is silence, holding Lou as he wraps his one good arm around me , I feel the dampness on his clothes against me.
" Baby let's get you cleaned up" I say standing back , I lean him against the vanity as I slowly peel his wet track pants down his legs with his lace panties following , I warm a washer and gently wash Lou down.
" I will be back in a minute" I say as I go to fetch clean clothes.
" Here" I say crouching down helping him pull the clothes on , at the moment Lou is living in lose track pants as it's the only thing he is comfortable in with his cast on.
He doesn't say a word as I pull his clothes  on and pick up him up  head towards the bed, I settle up  against the bed head  and  pull him back into my arms.
" I am so sorry Lou, I will never let that happen again".
"Who's blood was it Harry?".
" Lou you really don't need to know".
" It's Jonny's isn't it" He asked even through I think he knew the answer.
" Is he dead? He asks me next.
" No" I say honestly.
" Ok" is all I hear back and we leave it there no more words need  to be spoken.
" Hazza?".
" Yes love".
" That was so embarrassing To have to reply on you even to take a piss".
" Once  again I am so sorry baby, I know it must be hard , but it's only for a few more weeks and then life can go back to normal".
" Does  that mean I can go back to uni?".
" Yes baby, you can,you will still have to have at least two body guards, but You can go back"
I am rewarded with the biggest smile.
" I can't wait".
" But  in the mean time how about we join everyone in the  lounge room for dinner and a movie" I say as I lift Lou up and head to join everyone else in the house.

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