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Any guess on who is behind all pain and suffering poor Lou has has to endure?
This chapter you will find out who it is .

" What do you mean I Can't go to uni , this is so fucking unfair".
Lou is yelling at me with his arms crossed in front of him.
" Baby".
" Don't baby me Harry, this is not right you just can't keep me away from uni every time something happens, I will never go back again at this rate because something is always fucking happening".
" Lou you have to trust me to keep you safe, I don't want to see you get hurt anymore, do you think I like see you in such a bad state, over and over again, it killing me Lou".
" I understand that , put I just can't not live my life".
" It's just for the time being, we have a name now so we have something to go on".
"How long could this go on for?, how long do I have to stay away from uni for?".
" Until we catch who every is trying to get to you".
" What !!!!! that could take weeks or months, what if you never catch him".
" You under estimate me baby, I will catch him".
"How  about if you haven't caught him in 2 weeks I can go back to uni".
" Yep that's not going to happen".
" 3 weeks , come on Harry I am going to lose so much work in 3 weeks , what even is  the point of going to uni, If I actually can't go, I may as well just pull out I am so done with this shit" Lou yells at me and turns to walk out of the room.
" Baby think about what you are about to do and the consequences".
I watch as Lou turns to me and sticks up his middle finger up " fuck you Harry" before walking out.
" Louis, get back here" I yell down the corridor .
" I see someone is upset" Zayn joins me in the room.
" Yes he is pissed off because I told him he can't go to uni until we catch whoever is behind all this".
We are interrupted by the Intercom at the front gate.
" Boss a package has arrived here for Louis, should I send it up?".
I look at Zayn who shakes his head no.
" Just leave it down there and we will get someone to check it" but before I even get to finish the conversation a massive blasts shake the house as a explosion goes off.
Zayn and I look at each other and run out of the office as we turn the corner we are meet with Liam and Niall racing towards us.
" What the fuck was that?" Niall yells .
" A explosion at the front gate, a package was delivered with Lou's name on it".
" Where are the boys?".
" They are in the art studio together".just as we have that conversation another blast shakes the house and a very worried Lou and Shawn are running towards us, crashing into my arms and Shawn into Niall .
" Panic room, both of you , run" I yell as I hear another blast.
" What the fuck is happening out there?" I yell at Zayn who is trying to get on to  any of the guards on the radio.
Another blast hits the front door and now the house starts filling up with smoke.
" Tear Gas" Zayn yells out as I watch him fall to his knees coughing and choking, I turn my eye to meet Lou who has excessive tears pouring down his face, I watch on as he struggles for breath as he falls down away from me, I struggle with all my might to get closer to him but my body is not cooperating, He reaches a hand out to me and I reach my Hand to him , our fingers barely brushing against each other as burning feeling hits my mouth and throat and everything does black.
I feel water splash over my face and eyes as I slowly come back to Reality, my head is so fuzzy and my throat is on fire, I look around us as a few of our guards are at our side helping us all sit up and wash our faces and eyes.
My eyes immediately scan the room searching for Lou and I see him nowhere.
" NO".I yell out getting the attention of everyone else, they know exactly what has happened when they see the anguish on my face.
Niall pulls Shawn into his arms as he starts hysterically crying.
" We will get him back Boss, we won't stop until we do" I hear Zayn say his voice is so croaky from the tear gas.
" What the fuck happen?".I ask the guard who is trying to help us all.
"  It seems Boss that the  first package exploded taking out the front gate and guards then they were able to access the drive way and then the front door and the front of the house , whoever it was had the plan set out well, for them it was quite easy, we loss a lot of good man boss"
"  Fuck it" I yell out "Did anyone get a look at who took Lou?".
" Not that we know off, but we are yet to work through the surveillance cameras  that weren't taken out from the blasts"
" Get men onto it  straight away".
I try to stand but my body is so weak from the tear gas, I look around and Survey the damage, the front of the house looks like a war zone, with broken furniture, bricks, timber scattered around.
The weakness is slowly leaving my body as I feel strong enough to walk .
" Is everyone good?" I say to all the eyes that are on me, I hear a number of "yes Boss".
" I am going to go out into the front of the house and see if I can attend to any of the wounded" Liam said as he gets up and leaves.
" Well let go get this fucker who took Lou and make him pay" We all walk together into the Office were two of my guards are already going though the surveillance footage.
" Anything  yet".
" No Boss, but I am sure we will find something on here, some clue as to what just happened".
The sound of my phone ringing startles everyone and a hush falls over the room.
" Styles" I say into the phone.
" Styles, just heard what happen at your house, who did you piss off now?" I hear Jim's voice.
" I would really like to fucking know Jim".
Relief washes over everyone's faces as they hear Jim's name and they all get back to different tasks.
" What can I do to help Styles, I hate to see you separated from that beautiful husband of yours" .
" Thanks Jim, what every you can, get all your man out on the streets and see if anyone is talking, or if any  peculiar activity around anywhere".
" Already on it Styles, my men are out asking questions so hopefully we might have some leads".
" I appreciate anything you can do to help".
" Did you loss any men today?".
" Sadly Jim , yes I did , some of my best men died when the explosion went off at the front gate, then more as they moved in towards the house"
" Do you need back up ?, I can send a few of my men your way".
"Actually Jim , that would be great".
" Ok on it as we speak".
I finish the phone call and turn to everyone.
" Jim heard what happened and he already has men on the street asking around, he is also sending over backup".
" We lost some good men today Boss" Zayn saids.
" You  know the drill, make sure they get a proper burial and let their families know they will be looked after well".
" Boss, over here, this could be something"
One  of the guard points out as we all gather around the computer screen.
We watch as the explosion takes the door off and the tear gas hit  the ground and fills the room with a haze.
"Their  see the man that is leaning over Lou's body"
We watch on as footage of Lou getting dragged out of the house by one hand as his body gets pulled over all the debris, just before the man leaves the house he turns to one of the  surveillance cameras , giving us a full frontal of his face.
" You will never see him again Styles".
I slam my fist into the table with frustration.
" Print out the image of that man's face and run it , you all know what to do, there is not much we can do until we have a good idea of who this man is and what he wants with Lou".
I turn as I hear foot steps heading in our direction as I turn to see Jim walking through The doorway.
" Styles, back up is here, I have extra men and a clean up crew already started" .
I walk over to Jim and put out my hand for him to shake.
" Thank you so Jim, it's greatly appreciate" .
" Any leads yet?" Jim walks over to join everyone else, they all knowledge him with greetings.
It still amazes me that we have gone from mortal enemies to friends, it's definitely better this way, if it wasn't for Jim, I wouldn't have Lou by my side.
" We now have a picture to work with " Zayn holds it up for Jim to look at. We watch as Jim takes a photo of the face with his phone then stands back.
" I will send it out to all my men" He saids as he does exactly that and Zayn does the same.
" He won't be able to get far not with everyone knowing what his face looks like , we really have the whole town covered .
" I hope you are right Jim".

Louis Pov
The sound of muffled voices wake me as I try to take in my surroundings, My eye feel heavy as I slowly get them to open, I blink a few times before they adjust to the light in the room.
The room is dimly lit by a single overhead lamp, The only thing in the room is the filthy mattress and a lone chair.
I slowly start to move different parts of my body feeling for any pain, I move both of my arms slowly and a burning sensation runs down one side of my body, it feels like rope burn, burning down my entire right side, I try to tilt my head to see the damage on my side but I get hit with a mind blowing pain  crashing through my head, I fight down the feeling as bile creeps it way up my throat, I trying to take shallow breaths in and out to keep it down.
I feels tears start to spring into his eyes, blurring my vision of the empty cement room.
My eyes land on the one lone big metal door , realising that is the only way in and out and there is no way I can escape.
My brain paralyses with fear at this thought, the cement room has no other doors or windows, there is nothing, just cement walls and floor, that door now  which now holds my fate, my only way to escape.
I pull on my body to find myself secured to a pole behind the mattress, my Fear takes over my mind as I am attacked with visions of what happened last time I was in this same  situation, chills run through my body, I can hear my fathers voice yelling at me clearly as if it was yesterday.
The sound of the door opening interrupts my rapid thoughts. There is a bright light with the
sounds as boots hit the cement ground, I shy away from the bright light before blinking as the face comes into focus.
Blue eyes meeting blue eyes , same and  Familiar.
"Hello little Brother" I hear him say.

Now I bet you weren't expecting that !!!!, Louis has a brother .

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