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" Ok I will see you two this afternoon, have a good day" I say to Lou kissing his lips as he joins Shawn walking up the pathway . I acknowledge the 4 guards and get back into my car driving away.
Lou pov
I turn to Shawn as we walk along the path.
" Can  you tell which guys are my guards?" I say looking around us, I watch as Shawn search's the crowd.
" No not really maybe that one over there" he saids pointing to a man who breaks his eye contact with us instantly.
" Yes  definitely him" I say .
" So how's things going with Niall?".
I watch as Blush creeps up Shawn neck turning his cheeks red.
" Really  good,it's so easy being with Him, it's like we have known each other for a lifetime".
" Maybe you are soulmates , like Haz and me" I say .
We are both walking and smiling and enjoying each other's company when I feel a shoulder hit mine and I am falling forward, before I even know what happened I feel arms around me pulling me back and breaking my fall .
I hear noise to my side and see a young man with fear written all over his face as he is being held down by two of my guards.
" You  ok Lou?".I hear Shawn say moving his arms from around me.
" Yeah" I say looking around as everyone has stopped and is staring at us.
" God this is so embarrassing" I say to Shawn as I put my head down so know one would see my face flushed with embarrassment.
I hear a conversation going on at my side and know instantly it's Harry on the phone.
" Yes Mr Styles, he is fine, yes I will but him on" A phone is placed into my hand.
" Baby are you ok? I hear .
" Harry I am fine , call of the men the poor boy is terrified" I watch as the boy on the ground is pulled up  put still being held by one of my guards.
" It was a harmless mistake Harry, I was talking and not watching were I was walking, it was all my fault, Harry I am serious, call of the men and let the boy go".
I pass the phone back to one of the men and stand next to Shawn.
" This  is embarrassing, everyone is looking at us".
I look around as people are whispering and looking and pointing as I pick up my bag.
" We are going to be late for class, let's go".
" Shouldn't we wait for the guards?" Shawn saids.
" Fuck the guards" I say striding off, I hear my name being called but ignore it , next my phone starts ringing, I know exactly who it is and I hit the end button.
" You  are going to be in so much trouble for that" Shawn saids, next Shawns phone starts ringing I watch as he raises his eyebrows at me then answers.
" Yes  I am fine, it was nothing , Christ Niall really we are fine, we are on our way  to class now , we will talk later".
I watch as Shawn puts his phone away as he turns to me.
" Is it always going to be like this?".
" Welcome  to my world, once you are in it there is no getting out".
I hear my phone ding with a message as we take our seats , I chose to ignore it knowing I will be in trouble for that one.
Our day goes smoothly without any drama , I receive a few more messages from Harry which I continue to  ignore,  we leave our last class and head to the car, as we get to the top of the path , we see Harry and Niall standing in front of the car with there arms crossed with stern looks on their faces.
" I think maybe we should make a run for it" I say jokingly to Shawn who is looking really nervous.
As we get to the car I know from the silence we are definitely in trouble.
" Get  In the car, both of you" Harry barks out sending a shiver up my spine, I look at Shawn who has tears in his eyes.
We climb in and the car trip home is really awkward as a heavy silence fills the car, when we come to a stop I quickly open my door and step out hoping to make a quick getaway.
" I wouldn't do that if I was you" I hear as Harry grabs hold of my arm.
I am Marched into our bed room and the door is slammed shut.
" There  is only one rule you have to abide by when you are at University, that is to answer your phone when I ring or messages you is that correct Louis".
Oh fuck I am in real trouble he has called me Louis, I sneak a look at his face from under my eyelashes , his lips are curled, his jaw clenched and his face red with anger.
" Really  Louis , after everything that has happened, you chose to ignore my message, do you know how stressed out that made me feel?, do you know how  crazy  that made me?" He yells at me. " for fuck sake Louis".
" Why are you getting so pissed off?, it's not like you didn't know I was ok, isn't that what the job of your four guards are for" I  say raising my voice and now I am now starting to feel pissed off as well.
" That's not the point, I call,  you answer it's that simple".
" You  are so fucking controlling , for fuck sake , I was in class when you messaged I wasn't going to use my phone when I am meant to be listening to the  lecturer".
" I messaged you more than once Louis , surely you could have answered back".
" You are so fucking frustrating, you are yelling at me because I didn't answer  your fucking  message"
" I don't except a lot of  you Louis , but a bit of respect is all I ask of you".
" Respect , why can't you realise that everything in not about you Harry, I am at University to learn not to answer your fucking messages".
" Be very careful what you say next  baby, because I can take it all away  from you in a heartbeat".
" Really , are you going to stoop that low Harry and take everything away from me, you know what fuck you Harry , do what you like I am leaving" I walk over to the the door ready to pull the handle open when his hand bangs against the door ringing out a deafening loud bang ricocheting through the  room.
I instantly cower in fear and drop to the ground covering my face excepting him to hit me, I feel the fear start to trickle into my mind as imagines of my father  punishments hit me with full force, the countless time he would beat me ,  it's like a blackness swirling around in my mind as I try to control the images that are coming so fast, Marks fist hitting me over and over relentlessly never stopping, his feet kicking me , the suffering , the pain, it all becomes to much as I feel my body fall forward as the blackness takes over.

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