By the light of the moon

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This chapter is dedicated to Nat2817, thank you your support and kind words , it is greatly appreciated.

The sun is slowly setting as The car slows down as we come to the gates of the bungalow , I slowly  give Lou a gentle shake to rouse him from  his sleep .
" Baby we are here , time to wake up".
I grin as he mumbles something which I totally don't understand.
" Come on baby" I say again as I start to pepper little kisses on his face, I chuckle again as He swat my hand away, like he is swatting away a fly.
I open the door to let Clifford out and bend down and Lift Lou into my arms , he snuggles in deep into my chest , not opening his eyes for even a second.
" Mr Styles everything is as you requested, the fridge is fully stocked , your bags are in the master bedroom ready for you to unpack , if there is anything you need just call the main house".
" Thankyou , I appreciate everything you have done" .
I shift Lou's weight in my arms and walk up the stairs with Clifford running ahead of us.
I look around the room as we have just enter and it is breathtaking, exactly How I imagine it, a open plan living area, which consistent of a modern looking kitchen, a cozy eating area and  a lounge area , I notice a door which heads out  the side which should lead down to our own private beach, I can't wait to see Lou's reaction when he sees it .
I look down at Lou's who is slowly starting to wake.
" Hazza, are we there yet?".
" Open your eyes baby and look around , Paradise awaits" .
He  looks up at me through his long eye lashes, and a smile appears  on his face.
" I am looking at my paradise" he saids.
" Oh baby , flattery will get you everywhere" I say as I place a  kiss upon his lips.
He brings his hand up and runs his fingers down the side of my face, then slowly turns his head to the side finally taking in the room around us .
" It's beautiful Hazza".
I slowly lower his body down mine and turn him around in my arms .
" Welcome to your honeymoon Mr Styles".
" Why thankyou Mr Styles".
Lou breaks slowly out of my arms and walks through the room running his fingers tips over everything he see, I watch as he heads straight over to the door leading outside, he turns the handle of the door and a gasp escapes his lips .
I move over to the door Lou's has just slipped out off and find him standing looking in awe , the sun has finally set and all around us everywhere you look there  are fairy lights strung throughout all the trees, making a magical vision.
I watch as Lou's spins around with his arms open under the fairy lights and giggling with delight, his face is alight with joy, to watch him so care free after everything he has been through recently is everything.
I lean back against the wall of the outdoor Veranda taking it all in.
I hear more giggles escape Lou as Clifford joins in with him letting out little barks of happiness.
I walk back inside and connect my phone to the outdoor surround system, I press play and walk back out onto the Veranda.
"May I have this dance Mr Styles?" Lou stops twirling and turns to me.
" I would love to Mr Styles".
The first cords of the song begins.
"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me"
"But bear this mind it was meant to be"
"And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks"
"And it all makes sense to me"
We sway to the music dancing under the star filled sky as the lyrics wash over us.
"I know you've never loved"
"The crinkles by your eyes when you smile"
"You've Never loved your stomach or your thighs"
"The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine"
"But ll'I  love them endlessly"
I start to sing the lyrics softly into Lou's ear.
"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth"
" But if I do it's you"
" Oh it's you they add up to you"
"I'm in love with you"
" and all these little things"
My heart is soaring  as I spin Lou out then spin him back into my arms, little giggles escape his mouth as we spin around.
" I love you baby".
" I love you to Hazza".
Lou's eyes close as I place a gentle kiss upon his lips , this moment is just perfect, I want to stop time and live in this moment forever.
As the next song Finishes  , I take Lou's hand.
" Come this way baby" I lead us to a path way that leads down onto the beach.
The full moon loomed large  surrounded  by an ethereal glow shinning onto the waves as they roll onto the shore, the stars stretch across the clear  blackened sky , lighting our way down onto the beach.
We stop and slip off our shoes as we walk down onto the Sandy shore , we dip our toes into the water edge, the warm water gliding over our feet.
We are interrupted by barks from Clifford as he runs along the shore line chasing the waves in moon light.
" Everything is perfect Hazza, absolutely perfect".
" I am glad to see you happy baby , thats all I want for you".
We walk along the shore laughing as Clifford chases the waves.
I bring up our entwined hands , placing a kiss against it , I am so content to stay in this moment forever.
" Hazza?".
" Yes baby?".
" We could stay in this moment forever and I would be truly happy".
" I was just thinking the same thing baby".
I pull Lou into my arms and join our lips , I try to put everything that I am feeling into it , all my love , all my hopes. Lou hands creep around my neck and it feels like home.
We walk along the beach turning at the end and heading back , I noticed Lou has snuggled into my side .
" You tired baby?".
I hear a small muffled yes , without hesitation I lean down and swing Lou up into my arms and he Immediately snuggle into my chest.
Since getting shot at our wedding Lou has been getting prone to tiredness, Liam insures me that it is normal after losing so much blood , he body is still recovering form the trauma that he went through.
I look down at Lou who is now asleep in my arms , I walk up the beach and into the bungalow with Clifford trailing behind us.
I walk down to our bedroom , laying Lou's body on the four posted bed which is surrounded with an array of cushions.
I take in the room around us, as well as the four posted bed , there is a lounge resting against a big picture window which is partly open, washing us over with the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore.
I walk over and pull the blind down so the sun won't stream into our eyes first thing in the morning.
I pull down the bed and move Lou's body so I can remove his shirt and shorts leaving him in his white lace panties , he doesn't move through it all , I quickly strip down to my boxers as well.
I walk back through the bungalow, making sure everything is at it should be, I have been really struggling since our wedding was shot up, I know being who I am , it kind of comes with the Territory , but now having Lou as my husband, it just hits a lot harder, I know this is a private island that not many people know about , And the only way onto the the island is by plane.
My thoughts are interrupted with a loud scream, as I run to our room, with my heart pounding in my chest.
I take in the room as I race in looking for Lou's laying on the bed, but not finding him there, My mind immediately excepts the worst , but I know we are safe here.
My eyes search the room, stopping on the cupboard which is slightly open, I walk into the cupboard and go to the very back knowing that's were I will find Lou, I feel Clifford at my side.
When every he is upset or feeling overwhelmed or anxious he finds someone were safe to hide, it started off at the back of a cupboard hiding under the clothes, then he moved on to the panic room I have installed in our house , which is concealed behind a wall, Lou always takes himself there.
I pull back the clothes and sit on the floor finding Lou, curled into a ball small sobs escaping his mouth , I know not to approach him until he is ready.
" Lou baby , you are safe, Know one is going to hurt you".
I hear his sobs slowly calm down, I motion for Clifford to go to Lou, I watch as he crawls across the floor.
" Put your hand out baby and feel Clifford, Clifford is here".
I watch as his hand slowly creeps out and he tangles his finger in Clifford's fur, this is the reason I brought Clifford, it's time like this when Lou really needs him the most.
" Clifford" I hear him say.
I sit and watch as he slowly comes back to his surroundings.
" Hazza" I hear him say my name with his croaky voice.
" Yes baby, I am here".
In the next instance Lou is in my arms crying , I hold onto him until his sobs slow down to hick ups.
" What happen baby?".
" I was back in the room, I could hear everything they were saying about me and all the disgusting things they wanted to do to me".
Lou is still having nightmares and flash backs to the time that he was kidnapped by his father Mark and held in the basement of a house were his father was doing to pimp him out to the highest bidder, to take his virginity.
" It's ok baby, it was just a nightmare".
" It was so real , I could feel their hands touching me".
" They are not here baby, it's just you and me".
He turns his tear stained face up to mine.
" Just you and me?".
" Yes baby".
" And Clifford?".
" Yes and Clifford".
He curls up onto my lap as Clifford lays his head on Lou's , I watch as his hands twisted in Clifford fur again, and we sit quietly , gently swaying to to the sounds of the ocean.
It doesn't matter how long it takes , we sit until Lou saids he is ready to move.
" Hazza?".
" Yes baby?".
" Make me forget" he saids.
I hesitate because I know exactly what he is asking for me to do.
" Are you sure".
" More the sure".
I lift Lou up into my arms and walk over to the bed placing him in the middle as I crawl up his body placing a kiss on his perfect pink lips.
I move back getting a whine from Lou.
" Baby I just need to get a few things I will be right back " I say as I head over to our bags , I pull out the lube and a lighter that I had there , I walk around the room lighting all the candles that are scattered around, adding a soft glow around us.
I crawl back up Lou's body feeling his growing hard cock as My cock aligned with his , I grin down at him as Lou pulls my head towards him connecting our lips, The kiss is hard and desperate.
" I need you to fuck me" He said into our kiss " Hard and fast".
I slip my fingers into the white lace panties and bring them down his legs, taking of mine as I go.
I return to hover over his body.
" You sure?".
" For fuck sake's Harry get in me already" he saids in desperation.
" No prep?".
" No prep".
I make quick work of coating myself in lube
My hand holds his hip in a bruising grip as my  cock slowly pressed in, and his eyes rolled up into the back of his head at the slight burn. Our  hips rocked back and forth in unison until I am firmly sunk into the hilt, my  balls pressed against his in the most delicious of ways.
We seemed to lose track of time in the haze of pleasure that came with the incessant pounding of  my hips against his, I watch as Lou Arches his back as I grasp his cock pumping it until he releases , coming hot and fast into my hand, I fasten my pace until I feel the heat in my stomach began to boil, and that euphoric numbness began to build at the base of  my cock, It coiled tighter and tighter, to the point of pain, when it suddenly snapped, and that tingling numbness spreads throughout my veins like electricity.
We are both still for a moment, our  breathing heavy and my  cock inside him twitched with each breath as we  came down from our  high.
" Hazza?".
" Yes baby?".
" That was so fucking good" he saids making me chuckle.
I slowly remove myself and hear him let out a hiss.
" Sorry baby".
" Don't be sorry , I wanted it that way" He saids through a yawn.
I pull Lou's body back against me and kiss the side of his head.
" Sleep baby" I say as  I Look down to his eyes already closed.
I was hoping that the rest of the night was nightmare free.

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