Chapter 18: There's No Easy Way

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It was now Monday, on Sunday I had to stay in my room all day because of my behavior, I stayed in it crying all day wishing to be with my friends. I got dressed with a top,  a pair of jean and a jacket. I had my walkman with me, thank the lord, and went downstairs to eat without talking to anyone, not even to my father. I took my backpack and waited to go to school. Maybe I'll make friends but it would be surprising, or maybe I'll find some old friends. I sat in the car, watching out the window the all car ride, everything reminding me of Lucas. Once at school I got introduced to the other students. It was the end of the two first courses, a tall blond guy with brown eyes approached me. 

"Hey remember me?" he asked smiling. 

"No sorry" I laughed, he was the only person to really talk to me today. 

"It's me Tom" he laughed. 

"Oh my god, Tom Peters!" I yelled remembering the boy, he was one of my friends back then. "Oh my god so good to see you!" I yelled. "What are you becoming?"' I asked him. 

"Oh well, I just got out of a break up with a guy. I mean girl" he tried to correct. 

"Guy or girl?" I asked lifting my eye brow. "I won't judge you. One of my friend's gay" I told him. 

"Guy, he was there for a year but he got back in Indiana is name was Will..." he started. 

"Byers?! Oh my god! He's my friend!" I yelled. 

"Wait you're the Max he was talking about?!" he screamed. "What are the odds" he scoffed. "I have to go see you later" he said. I walked to my next class a smile on my face being happy to have found a person I could talk to. I then ran into my step sister, she was with her friends she looked like she was popular, she had 2 of her friends behind her and some guys next to her. 

"Oh guys I have to introduce you to someone" she said coming towards me. "This is my step sister Maxine, she's rude so you guys be careful to not get offended" she declared mocking me. I rolled my eyes and started going away as one of her guy friend grabbed me. "I'm not done" Kim continued a grin on her face. 

"Well get to the point" I spoke annoyed. 

"She's coming from this shit hole in Indiana where she was with her slutty mother" she explained to everyone who were laughing. 

"Don't talk about my mom" I angrily ordered. 

"Like you're gonna do something if I do" she scoffed. 

"Actually I will so shut up" I seriously declared. 

"Oh really?" she laughed. I nodded, looking at her, rage in my eyes, I had a short temper but it was only becoming shorter and shorter since I got here. "Well your mom is a slut" she repeated. I shouldn't do anything, I would get in trouble. Her words were filling my mind, she couldn't talk like that about my mother, not after everything she gone and is still going through. I punched her, she fell on the floor holding her bloody nose. She got up and punch me. Blood was in my mouth, I cracked my neck throwing my head back allowing one normal breath to come out.

"You're gonna regret that" I laughed and spat the blood out of my mouth. I punched her as she tried to do but I dogged it, I grabbed her by the collar and threw her against the locker. Sh tried to get up but I only punched harder. At this moment the principal came and placed himself in between us. 

"Max in my office!" he yelled angrily. I was confused about why she wasn't going we me as I looked at her my eyes no longer filled with rage but with scare as I saw the girls laid unconscious there. I followed the principal and sat on the chair in front of his desk. "Care to explain!" he yelled.

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