Chapter 17: Separate Ways

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I was confused, very confused. I couldn't hemp but think about what Elena had said. There was a dare where someone asked her to sleep with Lucas. They could've done it. Lucas came to me. 

"I didn't. We didn't. I-" he tried to explain. 

"I know, I know." I reassured him. Lucas wasn't a cheater, he had the opportunity to be one but he didn't took it. I was reassured maybe this long distance thing was gonna work. 

"We almost did Lucas" she whispered to her. Or not. Did they do it? I felt my breath getting harder to catch. 

"No we didn't! You tried to kiss me and I pushed you. You're closer to a fight then that!" he yelled to her. I was relieved. It was weird that she was acting out in front of his family. 

"Okay everybody calm down!" Lucas's grandmother ordered. "You get outta the house! He loves her. She loves him. Your silly little games won't change that! Now go home to your parents and behave" she ordered firmly. Elena impressed quickly walked out of the house and everything went quiet. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him, my eyes starting to get watery. 

"I thought you'd get mad" he answered. "I don't like when you're mad" he whispered to himself. 

"You won't have to deal with it anymore" I answered him smiling. I was angry, if he didn't told me he probably done something. 

"What? I didn't do anything I swear. Please don't break up" he whispered. If I broke up he would be glad I was leaving, it would help him, he wouldn't suffer...But a selfish part of me wanted to keep him close, very close. I couldn't keep him for myself, he was gonna get hurt. I took a deep inhale, looked at him in the eyes and gulped. 

"We should break up. Obviously you need a distraction and I can't be one if I cause problems therefore, this is over" I said coldly trying to control my feelings. "I'm sorry for all of this mess, thank you Sinclair for accepting me in your home, but I can't do this to Lucas anymore." I apologized. 

"No this is not over" Lucas told grabbing my hand. "I don't care what you think, I don't care how much you think you bother me. This is a thing and it will stay one" he whispered to me. 

"Lucas no, I can't hurt you anymore" I whispered back, my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. He was the only one who truly knew me, who understood me, who helped me. I didn't want to let him go. This was hurting badly but I needed to do that. For him. 

"Now what is going on here" Lucas's grandmother asked confused. "What's happening you two are in love! It's rare to find love like you two have, and you wanna stop? Hell nah" she continued. 

"Lucas please let me stop this before you get hurt" I whispered so only him could hear. 

"No, I won't please I swear I won't" he whispered back his eyes getting watery. 

"Lucas please!" I yelled. 

"No. No please. Nothing" he yelled. "We're gonna do this together. I won't get hurt!" he continued. 

"Can we do that elsewhere I don't wanna bother your family" I spoke calmly. 

"You started in front of us, you finish in front of us" Erica said upset. 

"Then I'll finish. Lucas I'm breaking up with you. We're over" I said emotionless; I could feel still this selfish feeling who wanted to tell him that we shouldn't break up. But I couldn't listen. "I'm sorry it was nice to meet you all, I really think you're an extraordinary family, but I can't hurt one of you." I said as I was about to exit the house. 

"Max at least stay the night it's late" his mother ordered. "It's gonna be short because everyone's gonna be here but you stay" she explained. I nodded not wanting to upset her more. I left my make up on to sleep like I always do even when I was with Lucas, the bruises were very bad looking. I was sleeping in the same room as Erica and Lucas, in Lucas's room. 

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