Chapter 12: You spin me round

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The party was full of people I didn't know. It had been less than 5 minutes since we arrived and people were already getting drunk. I looked for people I knew at the party but it seems like there was no one except Lucas, but he was drinking with his friend with I didn't really approve of but it was only his first beer. I suddenly saw Chrissy in the same state as I was, watching our boyfriends to make sure they didn't do anything stupid. She came to me and chuckled looking at them.

"You know sometimes I wonder if I'm his girlfriend or his babysitter" she laughed. I giggled at her joke and let out a small sigh looking the spot they were in, except that they weren't there anymore. 

"Where did they go?" I worryingly asked Chrissy. We looked for them everywhere but didn't find them. We finally found them in Jason's room taking multiple shots. "Jeez we were worried about  you" I said relieved. They looked at us and gave a big smile. Someone came in the room and turned to me. 

"Max someone's calling for you on the phone" the girl informed. I followed her and answered it. 

*phone call*

"Maxine where the fuck are you?! I heard about this party and they tell me you're there?! Come home right now! Or else!" I heard Neil scream. 

*end of phone call*

He hung up. I was so far from my house, it was the on the other side of it. I had to go quickly, I ran upstairs and took Lucas's arm to drag him to the corridor. 

"I need a ride home can you drive me there?" I asked. 

"What you're not staying?" he questioned his breath smelling like alcohol. 

"No I have to go home" I answered. 

"But you said you'd stay with me. I know I'm with my friends but you can hang with us." he proposed. 

"Lucas I have to go home" I told him much more seriously. 

"Why?! Why do you have to go home?!" he said slightly angry. I had two options either I told him the truth and ruin his evening making him worried, either I told him whatever bullshit first came to my mind. 

"Cause you're very different with your friends! You're drinking and all! I'm left aside!" I yelled. I didn't thought any of that, he had the right to be with his friends and leave me alone sometimes but it really was the first thing that came in my mind.

"I promise I'll include you just please stay! I want to share this happy moment with you! I'm proud of what I've done and I want you to be too" he said tears forming in his eyes. 

"I am Lucas. But I really have to go home!" I said to him. A drunken Jason came to us. 

"If she treats you this way bro, that she isn't staying with you and not being supportive you should dump her" he said almost falling on the floor. 

"I'm not dumping her!" Lucas yelled. 

"Whatever bro but she's lying to you" he said walking away trying to find support on whatever was next to him. 

"Is he telling the truth? Are you lying to me?" he asked. 

"No! Don't listen to him he's drunk." I lied. 

"Please all I'm asking you is to stay nothing more nothing less" he spoke calmly. 

"I really have to go home" I said almost yelling. 

"Well go home and don't care about me! It's because you don't wanna drink and have fun that you should neglect how I feel!" he yelled walking away. I saw Chrissy approach me and showing me some keys. I followed her outside to Jason's car. She drove me home, the road was very quiet. We didn't spoke, she dropped me in the trailer, I thanked her and she went away. It wasn't that late it was only 11p.m. I walked in trying to make as less noise as possible. 

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