"Our roles are very similar Akito, you are my God, but nothing stops me from ensuring those growing  children don't die before they had a chance to live yet."

     "You think so low of me to kill them?", Aktio took a step forward, head tilted slightly. Her eyes not showing a glimpse of sanity.

    "I didn't mean physically", Audri pushed herself from the wall, attempting to walk around Akito until she felt a small hand wrapped around her wrist, preventing her from continuing any further. The force of the grip was intense, painful but she held through. She's dealt with worse from the hands of the small woman. It's become an instinct to numb to pain.

  The amount of verbal and physical beatings she has been victim to from Akito has a record. Because whenever Audrina intervened. Whenever she had no choice, an involuntary response to intervene, it was no mistake the Akito took it out on her.

     "You're finally gone. Finally!", she laughed. Mocking Audrina's numbing pain. Referencing her death. She was physically there. That's all she could do. The rest she was able to give. Her presence. "You told me you weren't the same girl and it seems so. You have nothing left."

     In a quick motion Audrina snatched her wrist from Akito's grasp and walked out without saying a word. Not looking back. She walked past Hatori and Shigure who were in the other room trying there best not to look as if they were ease dropping. Then out of the annex. Her expression blank. No smile. No frown. But if she had just let any of them spend more than a split of a second to look into her eyes. That's where all the emotion lied. Behind those purple eyes were the emotions of everything Akito's had said to her.


    Shigure followed Audrina out seeing she was headed to the beach house. He stayed on her tail, watching her confident filled strut. The way she held her head up, not even acknowledging his presence. There was something about her silence that was different than prior moments. He caught up to her, and side glanced. She didn't look back. He wasn't sure if she was ignoring him or simply had nothing to say, either way she was doing well masking his presence.

    "Why did you let her into your house", Audrina spoke sternly.

    Shigure had a similar reaction to Akito. His eyes got big at her tone. He nervously chuckled, "What do you mean?"

    They were at the house by the time she calmed herself down. He watched her close her eyes and take a deep breath. "She's no normal person. Everyone cares and wants to help people in one way or another." She eyes him up and down."But she is more than just a normal person. Tohru is to kind and put to be dealing with us. As much as I want Kyo to be happy, I'm not sure it will end up like he hopes. The way he looks at her makes me think it's already too late."

     Shigure glanced into the house. Through the window he saw Tohru. And Tohru saw him and Audri. Audrina didn't look for she had her back facing the house. So she didn't see Tohru's wave. Shigure smiled at the girl and then held up a finger indicating they'll be in the house in a little. He then glanced back to the woman in front of him. "Do you not like her?"

    She rolled her eyes, "She's very sweet. But we are no more normal than she is. I don't think it's safe for her to be living with you. That's all.", She finished with a hand raise of defense.

   Entering the household first, Audrina wore a soft smile that she has mastered for years to be real.  "Good afternoon Tohru..... Kyo", she nodded to both of them. Tohru responding with similar greeting while Kyo mumbled his mouth full.

    "The others haven't returned?", Tohru looked behind the two adults in search for the remainder of the younger Sohmas. Shigure was the one to answer.

    "I actually came to retrieve Kyo. Left someone behind I figure.", He eyed towards Kyo.

They both gasped in harmony. Audrina stepping back from their sudden outbursts. She noticed the similar reactions, and it only gave more of a reason for Tohru not to be within the Sohma household. It never ends up good when dealing with someone outside of the curse. Hatori with Kana. Yuki with his friends. Amrin. Audrina didnt hate Tohru. If they were in any other situation she would be pushing for their relationship to flourish. It's just not the right life.

  Kyo looked to Audrina, a hint of fear in his eyes as he started about his concern for Tohru. While she cut him off elated.

"I can't believe it! You've been invited too! This is wonderful. I'm so happy for you.", and just by her words. Kyos face and whole demeanor changed drastically. His face softened at the tone. Audrina watched with careful eyes as he walked u pro Tohru and lightly tapped her on the head.

"Won't be too long stay out of trouble"

Her plan was just to return to the annex. Be there for Kyo and Yuki. But her mouth had a whole new set of tasks, "Actually", everyone turned to her, "No need to worry about her. I'll stay until you return."

Her smile soft and genuine to their eyes. Tohru lit up from the offer, nodding enthusiastically, "That's even better! We'll see you when you get back."

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