"Oh, my God! Happy." Pepper exclaims standing up to check on him and I do the same.

"I think you broke him." I said when Happy was still for a few seconds.

"That’s what I’m talking about." Dad says ringing the bell.

"I just slipped." Happy excuses as he stands up.
I would have found it cool if I didn't hate little miss redhead over there.

"Just… I need your impression." Natalie says and I almost strangle her from frustration.

"You have a quiet reserve. I don’t know, you have an old soul." Dad replies

"I meant your fingerprint." She says and a tiny smile made its way to my lips.

"Right." Dad replies puting his finger prints where necessary.

"So, how are we doing?" Pepper interupts.

"Great. Just wrapping up here. Hey. You’re the boss." Dad says turning to Pepper.

"Will that be all, Mr Stark?" Natalie asks

"No." Dad replies the same time Pepper said

"Yes, that will be all, Ms Rushman. Thank you very much."

She leaves and I breathe out a sigh of relief
"I want one." Dad says

"No." Pepper and I say at the same time.


Remember that family vacation? Apparently, Monaco is the spontaneous place. We arrived here yesterday and I don't know whose idea it was to make us to to this- what ever this was.

All four of us entered the place, Happy carrying the new Iron Man suitcase. God knows why. It's a vacation for crying out loud.

"You know, it’s Europe. Whatever happens the next 20 minutes, just go with it." Dad suddenly says and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Go with it? Go with what?" Pepper asks confused.

"Mr Stark?" I hear that voice again. Is she stalking us or something? This had to be the most annoying vacation of all times.

"Hey." Dad greeted and I force out a 'hi' and a thight lipped smile.

"Hello. How was your flight?" Natalie asks

"It was excellent. Boy, it’s nice to see you." Dad says taking a drink from one of the waiters.

"We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don’t mind. Okay?" Natalie asks as he takes a picture.

"When did this happen?" Pepper asks right before I could.

"What? You made me do it." Dad replies.

"What do you need an assistant for, you literally have no job." I whisper exclaimed at him.

"Pepper quit. Smile. Look, right there. Stop acting constipated. Don’t flare your nostrils. Stop scowling Smalls." Dad says as we face the camera.

"You are so predictable." Pepper said with gritted teeth.

"That’s the amazing thing". Dad says.

"Right this way." Natalie says leading dad and I to a table.

"You look fantastic." Dad says and I send him a look

"Why, thank you very much." She said.

"But that’s unprofessional. What’s on the docket?" Dad asks

"You have a 9:30 dinner." Natalie says leading us further.

"Perfect. I’ll be there at 11:00." Dad says heading towards a table. "Is this us?"

"It can be." She adds.

"Great. Make it us." Dad says before walking in another direction. I just sigh and try to find the bar.

"Okay." I hear Natalie say.

I finally find the bar and I know that Pepper and dad are right behind me.

"Hi, can I get a sprite?" I ask the bartender.

"Green is not your best colour." I heard dad say.

"Anthony. Is that you?"

This day can't get any worse.

"My least favourite person on Earth" I heard dad mumble.
Yeah, tell me about it.

"Hey, pal." The guy greets.

"Justin Hammer." Dad replies, clearly wanting to leave already.

"How you doing? You’re not the only rich guy here with a fancy car. You know Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair. You guys know each other?" Justin asks.

"Hi. Yes." The bitch replied, the same time as Pepper and dad.


"Yes, roughly."

"We do."

"BTW, big story. The new CEO of Stark Industries." Justin says.

"I know, I know." Christine said her gaze fixed on Pepper.

"She’s actually doing a big spread on me for Vanity Fair. I thought I’d throw her a bone, you know. Right?"  He said. It's almost as if he was trying to impress dad at the same time trying to outshine him and in reality, all he was doing was making a fool of himself.

"Right. Well, she did quite a spread on Tony last year." Pepper said and I get that that's my cue. I turn back towards the bar, just as the tender hands me the glass of sprite.

"Put it on his tab." I said pointing at dad. I turn around just in time to hear Pepper say she was going to the bathroom.

"Don’t leave me." Dad whispers at her but she just sends him a smile and leaves.

"I'm going to find our table." I said turning to leave only to be pulled back by my waist.

"We're in this together, young lady." He whispered as he pulled me to his side as a photographer brings his camera to us and Christine brings out her recorder. I jab my elbow into his side as subtly as I can.

Justin wraps his arm around dad's neck like they're lost friends. Heck, I haven't seen Rhodey like this around him.

"…that you guys have seen each other?" I see Christine try to get their attention but I guess dad is too hung up on the fact that his arch nemesis is holding onto him like a freaking koala.

"God, that’s so awful." Dad muttered.

"Listen, is it the first time you’ve seen each other since the Senate?" Christine says finally getting their attention.

"Since he got his contract revoked…" dad says pulling me away.

"Actually, it’s on hold." Justin bums in but it doesn't matter.

"…when you were attempting to…That’s not what I heard. What’s the difference between “hold and “cancelled”? The truth?" Dad says before sitting at a random table.

"No. The truth is… Why don’t we put that away? The truth is, I’m actually hoping to present something at your Expo." Justin says.

"Well, if you invent something that works, I’ll make sure I get you a slot." Dad says as Natalie stands beside him

"Mr Stark?" I've never wanted to hear that voice anymore than I do now. I almost want to hug her in appreciation.

"Yes?" Dad says standing up.

"Your corner table is ready." She informs.

"I actually have a slot this year. Yes, I do." Justin says, almost like he's convincing himself.

"Hammer needs a slot, Christine." Dad calls back as we head towards our table.

A/N: Don't we all just love 'Natalie'.

Next update: Monday.

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