Chapter 17: Cyan

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"Cyan." I breathed in recognition.

He is the younger brother of my mother. I refuse to call him my uncle.

"Shade," He responded in a blank tone. "That's still your name, whether you recognize it or not."

"Shade is dead." I growled in a low tone.

"As long as your mother is still alive? She isn't." Cyan replied.

Cyan doesn't work for my mother. He works against her. We actually used to be pretty close; not because we were family, but because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. But that doesn't apply to us anymore.

"What do you want, Cyan? Do you not owe me enough favours as it is?" I questioned.

"This isn't about us. It's about C.O.D.E.C." Cyan stated in a serious tone.

Ah. His stupid organization. C.O.D.E.C. is exactly like A.R.G.U.S, except they have different moral standards.

Amanda Waller is willing to kill whoever and whatever stands in the way of her definition of 'peace'. She's willing to capture and torture people. She turns people into monsters, and drains every bit of their humanity until they have none left. She kills children just to prove a point.

Cyan is more than willing to kill or capture criminals, but refuses to harm civilians. He doesn't force people to work for him, instead using the technique of... trust? Except he doesn't tell people the details of his missions until the very last minute... you kinda have to cope with that if you work for him. Yes, he has more humanity than Amanda Waller. But he ain't trustworthy by any means. He'll use you as a pawn in his game, and you'll never even realize that he's using you until it's too late.

It's funny, how I actually used to work for both organizations, in the not-so-distant past.

"C.O.D.E.C. is a bit short on operatives at the moment." Cyan continued.

"It's ripe of you to assume that I actually give a shit." I interrupted.

"I know you do. We have the same goals, do we not? You even strive to become a vigilante, just so you can fool your mother and defeat Slade Wilson." Cyan stated.

"How in the actual hell-" I began.

"Do I know about it? Well..." Cyan said, dark blue sparks flying in the middle of my room.

He's opening a portal. That's probably how he got in here in the first place.

Cyan is in possession of an ancient amulet that gives him the power to open portals, wherever and whenever he chooses. He always said that the amulet 'chose him', but if that's true... why the actual hell would it have chosen him?

A circular shape formed out of the sparks, and a light erupted from the other side.

"Cyan, no matter who you pull out of that portal... I will never work for you. Ever. Again." I said in a firm voice, making my point clear.

"Sweetheart... you already are." Cyan responded in an amused tone.

A smallish figure stepped out of the portal, and entered my room.

The sparks dissipated, and the portal closed before anything else could come through.

I glanced at the person in front of me... and almost choked on thin air.

"Rose?!" I exclaimed, immediately recognizing her.

And, folks... this is what happens when I'm overtired. I trust people I shouldn't, and I don't think clearly enough.

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