Kevin's path to redemption begins

Start from the beginning

Kevin: How can I blend in if I'm a giant mechanized version of Godzilla?

???: While you may be what you described what you are, that is not the problem. The problem is the technology you were given. It is further advanced than almost anything in that reality. So to solve that problem I'll have to change the current body you'll be in.

He then starts to do hand motions that causes the body of mechagodzilla to shift into many different forms, one being a version of mechagodzilla that has many spikes protruding form many places (anime mechagodzilla), a different mech with an abundant amount of weaponry attached to it (Kiryu), another being very slick in design (Super mechagodzilla), and final being a mech that looked like the abundant amount of weaponry design before it but it has less weapons (Mechagodzilla).

???: Bad news or good news first.

Kevin: Bad news?

Kevin asked wondering why the being would be bad news.

???: I have made an error in the process and now you have extra vessels than anticipated.

Kevin: And the good news?

He asked now concerned what could be good about this.

???: You can now swap between the different vessels to your liking.

Kevin: I guess that's good.

???: Now that is done you are now set on your path to redemption.

Kevin: Thank you very much. I won't let this opportunity go to waste.

???: I know you won't.

He said as he opened a portal to the new dimension. Kevin walks through as he waved good bye to the mysterious being who sent him on his path to redemption. Once the portal disappeared we finally see who the mystery person is.

Lost searcher: I'll make sure you don't.

With Kevin

Kevin was now falling from the sky as the portal dropped Kevin over land.

Kevin: Ow, that was a rough landing.

He says as he starts looking around the new reality he was in.

Kevin: Alright, teleported to a new reality to prevent annihilation, oh God I need to help prevent a specious from being extinct.

He said realizing what his mission was now.

Kevin: Ok ok, stop freaking out Kevin, pull yourself together.

He takes a deep breath somehow as a mech. (Mechagodzilla 1974)

Kevin: Ok, first I'll head to Japan, maybe I should explore first.

In Japan

Kevin is looking around the city from a safe distance, unfortunately for him he was already spotted by the people below.


Everyone was running away from Kevin which made him sad but understood why.

Kevin: I wish I could just not have people run away from me.

He thought to himself as he watched everyone evacuate the city. He atleast felt glad that he wouldn't accidentally harm anyone. He suddenly heard rumbling come from behind him. He took a deep breath knowing what he about to face. He closes his eyes (the eye lights turn off to simulate closing his eyes.) He turns around with his hands up already trying to establish that he doesn't want any problems.

Kevin: Please, I don't want any problems so could you not attack me.

???: You're a male?

Kevin opened his eyes to find an unexpected surprise.

Kevin then short circuits as he is unable to comprehend what he is looking at

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Kevin then short circuits as he is unable to comprehend what he is looking at. He falls to the ground completely offline.

Godzilla: I should probably take him to see who or what he is.

A Machine in a World of His Humanized Enemies (Mechagodzilla x Kaiju girls)Where stories live. Discover now