She just moved out of her room going towards Mahir's room while she stopped seeing the lights on near the basement, confused of who's there at this time she went down and her jaw dropped looking at Mahir shirtless lifting weights.

She looked at how he's just in his track pants while his upper body was covered with sweat, she looked at how it was dripping down his abs and for a moment she felt to keep looking at his well built body.

"Damn Bela, I never understood why people drool like this.. I mean we have seen so many actors shirtless but c'mon seeing the person you love this way gives a total different chills within you"

"Wahh, I can probably become a love guru if this continues", Bela smirked at herself

She slowly moved down walking near him, and Mahir lifted his head sensing someone to meet with Bela's drooling eyes.

"You?", Mahir asked

"What are you doing?", Bela asked

"You can't see?", Mahir glared at her

"I can, but who does this at 10 at night?", Bela asked confused

"Me", Mahir answered blankly continuing his work

"You had food a few hours ago Mahir, it isn't good for your health", Bela said concerned

"You need both bother Bela", Mahir said

"Haww, who will bother if it's not me Mahir?", Bela said dramatically

"What do you mean", Mahir asked looking at her

"I mean, wouldn't it be a wife's duty to take care of her husband?", Bela asked innocently

Mahir dropped the dumble in his hand listening to Bela's statement and Bela jumped in her place scared of the sound.

"What the hell, are you planning to kill me or what?", Bela screamed in horror

"What did you say?", Mahir asked

"I asked if you are planning to kill me", Bela frowned

"No, before that", Mahir said

"I said it's my duty to take care of you as a wife", Bela said

"Bela, I had already told you I don't accept this marriage", Mahir whispered yelled

"Mahir marriage is always two sided, it can never work on one person's decision.. like I want this marriage, it wouldn't work unless you want the same.. similarly it wouldn't break also when it's just you who doesn't want it", Bela explained

"You are confusing", Mahir frowned

"No, you are only getting confused Mahir", Bela face palmed herself

"Bela, I'm telling you again.. I don't accept you as my wife so you better forget all this and concentrate on your life", Mahir warned her

"And what if I say this is my life now?", Bela asked leaving Mahir blank

Mahir was already having a tough time not having a glance at Bela, somehow his day starts with her and ends with her. And these two days when Bela stared avoiding him he realised how important her presence is in his life yet felt helpless.

He couldn't believe his anger issues are coming back which he could manage with Bela although unknown to her.. he fired four employees in a span of two days and his PA, Nisha was more scared of her job right now.

He was working out late this night only to divert his mind from all these and he couldn't understand what Bela was saying.

How much he wanted her, his mind kept saying to stay away from all these emotions and Mahir couldn't help but keep Bela away.

His Only Weakness 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now